![Combined bedspread](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/pokryvalo-na-krovat-iz-neskolkih-skombinirovannyh-raznocvetnyh-tkanej-205x170.jpg)
Quilt size
To sleep was strong and healthy, you must carefully select every detail for bed. The blanket can be of different sizes, have a certain filling and design. It is important to correctly select the product so that it fits the bed and is comfortable.
![Good blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/horoshee-odeyalo-delaet-nochnoj-otdyh-v-razy-komfortnej-i-spokojnej-e1540845680185-590x440.jpg)
A good blanket makes night rest more comfortable and calmer
- 1 Sizes of a double blanket, GOST, standards of different factories, countries
- 2 Blankets Size Chart
- 3 How to choose the right double quilt size
- 4 How to choose the size of the duvet cover to the blanket?
- 5 Which filler to choose a blanket
- 6 Size of half quilt
- 7 What affects the measurement of the size of the blanket?
- 8 Requirements for children's blankets
- 9 Correctly select bedding for the size of the blanket
- 10 Video: What are the sizes of blankets
Sizes of a double blanket, GOST, standards of different factories, countries
![Sizes of a double blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/razmery-dvuspalnogo-odeyala-celyj-ryad-standartnyh-parametrov-ustanovlennyh-raznymi-stranami-e1540846558427-590x56.jpg)
Double quilt sizes - a range of standard parameters set by different countries
The size of the double blanket must comply with the standards developed specifically for the product. In Russia, GOST R 51554-99 is valid. In each country there may be slight deviations in size, but a maximum of 3%.
![Standard Measurement Parameters](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/parametry-standartnyh-izmerenij-podchinyayutsya-dvum-sistemam-mery-dliny-i-shiriny-590x366.jpg)
Standard measurement parameters are subject to two length and width gauge systems.
To determine the standards previously taken into account the parameters of a married couple with an average build. In modern conditions there are several systems of measures, including the English, popular among American manufacturers, and metric, which is in demand in Europe. The latter is simple, the data are presented in centimeters. English is more complex, dimensions are marked in feet or inches. This is often inconvenient for customers due to problems with the conversion to usual values.
![American sizes](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/amerikanskie-razmery-postelnogo-belya-e1540847005653-590x382.jpg)
American sizes of bed linen
The Russian standard identifies 8 types of dimensions of the product. Foreign companies have introduced some changes, thereby expanding the product range. This allows you to choose the most suitable option.
![Size chart](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/razmernaya-setka-vklyuchaet-sleduyushchie-standartnye-i-nestandartnye-gabarity-odeyal-dlya-kazhdoj-kategorii-590x362.jpg)
The size grid includes the following standard and non-standard blanket dimensions for each category.
Blankets Size Chart
![Euro size quilt](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/kategoriya-razmerov-evro-segodnya-yavlyaetsya-odnoj-iz-samyh-populyarnyh-i-razrabotana-dlya-togo-chtoby-odeyala-hvatalo-dvum-polzovatelyam-po-maksimumu-590x443.jpg)
The size category "Euro" today is one of the most popular and is designed to ensure that the blankets are enough for two users to the maximum
![Square blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/tolstoe-kvadratnoe-odeyalo-s-sinteticheskim-napolnitelem-firmy-ikea-e1540908471835-590x394.jpg)
Thick square blanket with Ikea synthetic filler
![Blanket size 195 x 215 cm](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/odeyalo-mona-liza-provence-aromat-rose-razmerom-195-h-215-sm-vypolnennnoe-iz-puhoderzhashchego-tika-e1540908744561-590x453.jpg)
Mona Liza Blanket “Provence Rose Flavor”, 195 x 215 cm in size, made from downy tic
To make it easier to choose the size of the blanket, they are divided into several categories. They are reflected in the table.
Dimensions | Description |
200×220 | Refers to the universal view. Differs in comfort, convenience at selection of bed linen. |
200×200 | The square shape is found in the assortment of the country is not often. Large selection of this type in Eastern Europe. There may be problems with the laundry. |
195×215 | The size of the blanket is not very comfortable. Rarely due to low popularity. |
172×205 | The type is called Soviet or English because of the territorial and temporary distribution. |
150×220 | Treats a number of family products. Comfortable, practical. |
![All-season blanket 172 * 205 cm](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/stegannoe-vsesezonnoe-odeyalo-iz-bambukovogo-volokna-razmerom-172-205-sm.jpg)
Quilted all-season blanket of bamboo fiber size 172 * 205 cm
![Blanket size 150 * 220 cm](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/teploe-odeyalo-na-ovchine-razmerom-150-220-sm-590x443.jpeg)
Warm blanket on sheepskin size 150 * 220 cm
How to choose the right double quilt size
![Determine the size of the blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/opredelyaem-razmer-podhodyashchego-odeyala-po-razmeram-krovati-i-rostu-spyashchih-pod-nim-lyudej.jpg)
Determine the size of a suitable blanket by the size of the bed and the height of people sleeping under it
Such a product is notable for its convenience due to the possibility to completely cover the bed, to create an airy, cozy atmosphere. To get the desired effect it is important to choose the size of a double blanket. It is recommended to select models with a minimum width of 170 cm and a maximum length of 210 cm. When buying, it should be based not only on the size of the bed, but also on the height of people. This will allow you to choose the best option to completely hide in a dream.
Double models are used by couples and those who are placed on a spacious bed. In addition to assessing your own growth before purchasing, it is important to compare the product with the dimensions of the bed. You can measure the bed to know exactly the appropriate size of the blanket.
![Custom sizes](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/nestandartnye-razmery-neredko-izgotavlivayut-na-zakaz-k-konkretnoj-mebeli-nestandartnogo-plana.jpg)
Non-standard sizes are often made to order for specific furniture of non-standard plan.
How to choose the size of the duvet cover to the blanket?
![Duvet Cover Size](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/sleduet-podbirat-pododeyalnik-kotoryj-po-vsem-parametram-byl-by-bolshe-chem-samo-odeyalo-primerno-na-5-10-sm-590x443.jpg)
It should pick up a duvet cover, which in all respects would be more than the blanket itself, about 5-10 cm
Duvet cover should have some stock. At least 5 cm more in width and length than a blanket. This will facilitate the filling process and avoid rolling the product in one direction.
Do not make a big allowance. Previously, the likelihood of shrinkage after washing. Modern high-quality underwear almost does not sit down.
Which filler to choose a blanket
![Duvet blanked](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/rasprostanennoe-puhovoe-odeyalo-teploe-i-legkoe-no-nuzhdaetsya-v-regulyarnyh-provetrivaniyah-i-chistke.jpg)
A common duvet is warm and light, but needs regular airing and cleaning.
The origin of woolen blankets can be very diverse: camel, sheep, cashmere and the most prestigious - merino wool
![Hollow Fiber Blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/sinteteicheskij-hollofajber-otlichno-sebya-zarekomendoval-kak-nadezhnyj-legkij-i-teplyj-napolnitel-dlya-veshchej-domashnego-obihoda-590x395.jpeg)
Synthetic holofiber - perfectly proved itself as a reliable, light and warm filler for household items
An important point when buying a product is the choice of a suitable filler. It is necessary to consider all the options with their disadvantages and advantages, so as not to be mistaken. Types of fillers are presented in the table.
Existing types | Description |
Pooh | Suitable for winter blanket due to density. Differs the ability to pass air, lightness, durability. Pooh perfectly retains heat, is not deformed. May cause allergies. |
Wool | Camel or sheep can be used. The material perfectly warms, contributes to a comfortable microclimate, has a healing effect. But after a while it can be deformed, causes allergies and is heavy. |
Synthetics | Lightness and good thermal insulation are the main advantages of the materials in this category. It is easy to look after such product, it is possible not to worry that microorganisms will begin to develop, will serve for a long time. But moisture is absorbed poorly, and the model is quickly electrified. |
Cotton | The product does not cause allergies, well warmed. Budget and safe option. The product is heavy and over time loses its former appearance, hard lumps are formed. |
Silk | The key disadvantage is the high cost. One of the advantages is a good moisture exchange, ease of care, you can do without washing, just airing is enough. |
Bamboo | Excellent air flow capacity, good moisture absorption and lack of environment for the development of microorganisms make the material popular among consumers. But the cost is high, the thermal conductivity of average quality and short service life. |
![Cotton-filled blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/odeyalo-s-hlopkovym-napolnitelem-otlichaetsya-gigroskopichnostyu-termoregulyaciej-i-legkostyu-e1540845431188-590x423.jpg)
The cotton-filled blanket is hygroscopic, thermoregulated and light.
![Silk blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/prestizhnym-i-dorogim-schitaetsya-shelkovoe-odeyalo-obladayushchee-isklyuchitelnymi-svojstvami.jpg)
A prestigious and expensive silk blanket is considered to have exceptional properties.
![Bamboo blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/bambukovoe-odeyalo-obladaet-isklyuchitelnymi-svojstvami-i-sostavlyaet-serjoznuyu-konkurenciyu-drugim-materialam-590x443.png)
Bamboo blanket has exceptional properties and is a serious competition to other materials.
Size of half quilt
![One-and-a-half blanket is a single item.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/polutornoe-odeyalo-ehto-odnospalnoe-izdelie.png)
A one-and-a-half blanket is a single product that is designed for a comfortable sleep of one person, the name comes from the fact that it usually has a width of approximately 1.5 meters
There are several dimensions of this product.The size of a one-and-a-half blanket is as follows.
- 155 × 215. The model is popular and is practical. There are no problems in the selection of underwear sets.
- 140 × 205. Refers to the Russian standard, which exists since Soviet times. Often, similar models are purchased for children.
Selecting the appropriate option, remember the dimensions of the bed. Its size can not exceed more than 50 cm compared with the model.
![Single blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/modeli-dlya-vzroslyh-odinarnogo-plana-rasschitany-na-odnogo-polzovatelya-so-srednim-vesom-do-90-kg.jpg)
Single-person adult models are designed for a single user with an average weight of up to 90 kg.
What affects the measurement of the size of the blanket?
![Calculate the width and length of the blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/dlya-vybora-optimalnogo-razmera-odeyala-nuzhno-pravilno-rasschitat-ego-dlinu-i-shirinu-e1540910155757-590x477.jpg)
To choose the optimal size of the blanket, you need to correctly calculate its length and width.
Errors in dimensions may occur due to the material volume of the product. Standards take into account technical information, excluding production technologies. Texture can affect the change. The surface is smooth or fleecy. In the latter case, problems with measurement accuracy may arise. Some prefer to round the result.
During operation, dimensions may change due to improper care. Neglecting manufacturer's advice will lead to deformation. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions on the label when washing, ironing.
Requirements for children's blankets
![Size of baby bedding](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/razmer-detskogo-postelnogo-belya-dlya-detskih-krovatok-i-detskih-odeyal-po-vozrastu-rebenka.png)
Size of baby bedding for cots and blankets by age of child
The product must fully comply with the dimensions of the bed. The market offers various models equipped with velcro, buttons, buttons, which allows better fixing them and keeping warm. Blanket must be safe. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of allergies in the baby.
![Cat blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/bezopasnoe-detskoe-odeyalo-cats-iz-mikrofibry-razmerom-110-140-590x406.jpg)
Safe baby blanket Cats microfiber size 110 * 140
Correctly select bedding for the size of the blanket
![The sizes of bed from the producer](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/pri-pokupke-postelnogo-komplekta-vazhno-obrashchat-vnimanie-na-razmery-odeyala-i-razmery-pododeyalnika-ukazannye-proizvoditelem-e1540905986571-590x207.jpg)
When buying a bed set, it is important to pay attention to the size of the blanket and the size of the duvet cover specified by the manufacturer.
Bed set should match the blanket. To correctly select, it is recommended to observe the following tips.
- First, a blanket is measured. The data obtained correspond to the duvet cover. It is important to make allowance of a few centimeters.
- Need to change the mattress to choose a sheet. It should be 80 cm more in order to refill it comfortably.
- At the end, the pillow is measured to determine the dimensions of the pillowcase.
After receiving the information you can choose the right set. Given these factors, it will turn out to organize a comfortable and practical place to relax.
Video: What are the sizes of blankets
![Combined bedspread](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/pokryvalo-na-krovat-iz-neskolkih-skombinirovannyh-raznocvetnyh-tkanej-205x170.jpg)
![Washing blankets at home](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/dlya-togo-chtoby-odeyala-sluzhili-dolgie-gody-sogrevaya-prohladnymi-nochami-nuzhno-za-nimi-pravilno-uhazhivat-205x170.jpg)