Polyurethane foam mattress: types, design features and advantages
Good health, good mood depend on many factors. Healthy sleep at night is fundamental. Sleepy person is more able-bodied, hardy, benevolent. Ensure a comfortable sleep will be able to properly selected bed. A failing, too hard surface can ruin a night's rest, causing significant painful sensations. To avoid such effects, the mattress should be chosen properly, taking into account many criteria.
![Durable and durable mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/takoj-matras-otlichaetsya-praktichnostyu-funkcionalnostyu-i-dolgovechnostyu-590x296.jpg)
This mattress is practical, functional and durable.
One of the main selection criteria is the material. Among the variety of products from different raw materials occupy a special place products made of polyurethane foam with a pronounced orthopedic effect. More about this filler is described in this publication.
![Polyurethane foam or abbreviated PPU](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/penopoliuretan-ili-sokrashchenno-ppu-sovremennyj-material-kotoryj-shiroko-ispolzuetsya-v-kachestve-napolnitelya-dlya-myagkoj-mebeli-i-ortopedicheskih-matrasov-590x352.jpg)
Polyurethane foam or abbreviated PPU - a modern material that is widely used as a filler for upholstered furniture and orthopedic mattresses
What is polyurethane foam?
![Monolithic block of polyurethane foam](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/osnovu-horoshih-matracev-sostavlyaet-monolitnyj-blok-penopoliuretana-imeyushchij-tolshchinu-16-sm-590x297.jpg)
The basis of good mattresses is a monolithic block of polyurethane foam, having a thickness of 16 cm
High-quality polyurethane foam mattress can be called an excellent alternative to expensive orthopedic products. It is much lower, has high supporting properties, has a long service life (subject to compliance with all production technologies). PUF - foam rubber with a modernized structure, higher parameters. Thanks to the new manufacturing technology, ordinary foam rubber could become an elastic, heat-resistant, dense material. PPU contains over ninety percent of air. In the manufacture of mattresses, PPU is applied as a whole, in layers. The integral unit is considered the prerogative of expensive models. In cheap variations, PPU is used in thin layers glued together.
![Springless mattress of 6 layers](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/bespruzhinnyj-matras-izgotovlennyj-iz-shesti-skleennyh-trekhsantimetrovyh-sloev-sovremennogo-i-praktichnogo-materiala-ortopedicheskoj-peny-ppu-590x354.jpg)
Springless mattress made of six glued three-centimeter layers of modern and practical material - orthopedic foam (PUF)
Polyurethane foam: good or bad?
![Elasticity and elasticity of PPU](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/blagodarya-uprugosti-i-ehlastichnosti-okazyvaetsya-horoshaya-podderzhka-telu-vo-vremya-sna-i-sozdayut-vse-usloviya-dlya-polnocennogo-otdyha.jpg)
Due to its elasticity and elasticity, it provides good support to the body during sleep and creates all conditions for a good rest.
Any material of non-natural origin causes certain concern among consumers. How safe are polyurethane foam mattresses? In the production of polyurethane is really used chemicals. They are dangerous to humans with open burning. Hydrocarbons are derived from petroleum. When burning, they are released into the air. Therefore, there is a perception that even with a slight heat, the product begins to emit a specific odor. However, this is not true. The filler can only become toxic if the technology is not followed. If the production technology is fully complied with, the polymer becomes inert. It is fully fit, safe for human health. Residual vapors, unpleasant smell are eroded at the factory.
![Harmful PUF when heated](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/poliuretan-mozhet-vydelyat-yadovitye-veshchestva-v-vozduh-prigorenii-i-nagrevanii-vyshe-200-gradusov-pri-obychnom-ispolzovanii-on-bezvreden.jpg)
Polyurethane can release toxic substances into the air by burning and heating above 200 degrees; it is harmless during normal use.
Another common opinion is not in favor of PPU - excessive softness. Some experts say mattresses made of polyurethane foam are not able to create the conditions for the correct location of the spine. They believe that the foam bends strongly under load. All this can lead a person to serious back problems. This is partial truth. Cheap models do not really show the highest level of rigidity. It is better to buy them for infrequent use - in the country. Quality products from a monolithic block have improved properties. They show a good orthopedic effect, rigidity indicators are above average.
![Under a large body weight PPU bends](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/pod-vesom-tela-ppu-progibaetsya-i-pozvonochnik-nahoditsya-vo-vremya-sna-v-nepravilnom-izognutom-polozhenii-poehtomu-stoit-vnimatelno-otnositsya-k-vyboru-zhestkosti-matrasa-590x385.jpg)
Under the weight of the body, the PUF bends and the spine is in an irregular, arched position during sleep, so you should carefully consider the choice of mattress stiffness
Advantages, disadvantages
![Choosing a mattress from PPU](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/pokupateli-chasto-vybirayut-matrasy-s-penopoliuretanom-iz-nevysokoj-stoimosti-i-nebolshogo-vesa-samogo-izdeliya-590x341.jpg)
Buyers often choose mattresses with polyurethane foam from the low cost and low weight of the product itself.
Benefits | disadvantages |
Resistance to heavy loads. The product is suitable for prolonged use by obese people. Polyurethane foam has a good density. It enhances its capabilities. | Susceptibility to moisture. This filler is a kind of sponge. It absorbs moisture too well, even from the air. This is not the best quality. |
Affordable price. The cost of such a filler is much lower than the rest. At the same time, the operational period, the remaining parameters can be a good competition to expensive models. | The need for professional care. To clean the product on its own will not work. In most cases, you have to seek help from professional companies. This requires additional cash investments. |
Pronounced orthopedic effect. The material adapts to the body of the sleeper. It is recommended for people who suffer from various diseases of the spine. | Flammability Foam rubber is very flammable. It is highly flammable and, when burned, releases hazardous chemicals. However, many household items in the house have similar properties. With the right attitude to the bed, this drawback will never come to light. |
Convenience transportation. Springless designs are easy to transport from one place to another. They can be simply rolled up, placed in the passenger compartment of a car. | "Physical" aging. During long-term operation, foam rubber starts to crack, crumble. |
High breathability. The porous structure of polyurethane foam allows the design to "breathe." Good air circulation prevents mold, bacteria, and condensate. |
![PU foam recovers quickly](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ppu-bystro-vosstanovlivaetsya-v-nachalnuyu-formu-za-cchet-poristoj-struktury-i-vysokih-pokazatelej-plotnosti-i-uprugosti-590x345.png)
PU foam is quickly restored to its initial form due to its porous structure and high density and elasticity.
Modern polyurethane foam mattresses are divided into several types. They are:
- with memory effect,
The memory foam mattress perfectly adapts to the contours of the body, which is very important for people with back pain.
- viscoelastic,
The main property of viscoelastic foam rubber is the ability to take the shape of the human body under the influence of its temperature, which significantly reduces the pressure on the spine, muscles and joints
- standard,
Standard foam for mattress density from 25 kg / m3
- soft,
Soft polyurethane foam with its properties and structure, it strongly resembles foam rubber, but has much greater strength and durability.
- super soft
Ultra-soft PU foam is made using special additives that reduce the rigidity of the material, are used for stuffing pillows and as the top "softening" comfortable layer of mattresses
- products with increased rigidity.
PU foam with increased stiffness with allowable loads on it - 90-100 kg
Each type has its own characteristics, indications for use.
![Mattress hardness levels](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/urovni-zhestkosti-matrasa-mogut-sushchestvenno-otlichatsya-dlya-kazhdogo-cheloveka-vazhno-vybrat-svoj-podhodyashchij-variant-2-590x421.jpg)
The rigidity levels of the mattress can vary significantly for each person - it is important to choose your own suitable option.
Models with a memory effect will suit people with spinal problems. Standard mattresses can be purchased for a double bed. Super-soft are shown to older people. Products with increased rigidity are intended for people whose weight exceeds eighty kilograms.
![The correct position of the spine](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/zhetskost-matrasa-nuzhno-podbirat-tak-chtoby-pozvonochnik-nahodilsya-v-estestvennom-rovnom-polozhenii.jpg)
The stiffness of the mattress must be selected so that the spine is in a natural level position.
In addition to foam rubber, the mattress includes other components. A layer of polyurethane foam usually reaches only fifteen centimeters. To him additionally stack other fillers. Most often used coconut coir. Coconut coir has excellent antibacterial effect, high rigidity. It significantly extends the operational life of the structure.
![Coconut coir](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/kokosovaya-kojra-pridayot-izdeliyu-zhestkost-uvelichivaet-srok-ehkspluatacii-i-obladaet-antibakterialnym-ehffektom-590x295.jpg)
Coconut coir gives extra stiffness to polyurethane foam products and increases service life
To give the mattress an orthopedic effect, a layer of polyurethane foam is made a relief. Top fillers are covered with a cloth. Most manufacturers prefer jacquard. Jacquard fabric is durable, has an attractive design, pleasant to the touch. If you additionally purchase a mattress cover, the “native” case will retain its original appearance for a long time.
![Jacquard mattress cover](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/chekhol-matrasa-s-ppu-sdelan-iz-zhakkarda-prosteganogo-na-sintepone-e1542006569582-590x290.jpg)
Mattress cover with PPU is made of Jacquard quilted on padding polyester
Thin mattresses from polyurethane foam
![Thin mattress or topper](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/tonkij-matras-ili-topper-iz-vysokoehlastichnogo-melkoporistogo-ppu-e1542006649457-590x270.jpg)
Thin mattress or topper made of highly elastic, finely porous polyurethane foam
Foam mattresses can also differ in their dimensions, thickness. In particular demand thin products. They are called toppers. Toppers are used as a mattress pad. Their main purpose is to improve the level of comfort of the bed.
![Thin mattress for the sofa](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/tonkij-matras-dlya-divana-pomozhet-vyrovnyat-poverhnost-sofy-sdelat-krovat-pomyagche-ili-pozhestche-590x306.jpg)
A thin mattress for a sofa will help to level the surface of the sofa, to make the bed “softer” or “harder”
With the help of a thin mattress PPU, you can provide the following conditions.
- Make the bed softer, tougher - it all depends on the needs of the sleeping person. Correction of stiffness may be required when subsiding the old coating, the appearance of health problems.
- Arrange bed with limited height. Sometimes furniture dictates its own conditions for the purchase of bedding. Bunk, convertible beds often require the use of thin mattresses.
- Create an extra bed for guests, holiday cottage. In this case, there is no need to purchase expensive models. Topper great cope with their task.
The topper from polyurethane foam possesses good characteristics. Quality models are ways to perfectly adapt to the outlines of the body. They will help to relax the muscles, to have a good rest. Foam toppers are not afraid of changes in temperature, they are well ventilated. They will not spoil during the "wintering" in the country. Another important plus is hypoallergenic. The filler is safe for people prone to the appearance of allergic reactions. At the same time, the cost of products is very acceptable.
![Topper from this stuff](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/topper-iz-ehtogo-materiala-samyj-dostupnyj-po-cene-hotya-i-samyj-nedolgovechnyj.jpg)
The topper of this material is the most affordable, albeit the most short-lived.
Is it possible to repair springless mattress?
![Eco-friendly mattress Montana PPU](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ehkologichnyj-ortopedicheskij-matras-montana-ppu-zima-leto.jpeg)
The eco-friendly orthopedic mattress from PPU winter / summer is a great option of springless mattress
Buying a high-quality springless mattress is an investment for a long period of time. With the observance of the production technology, the product is capable of serving more than five years. However, any thing wears out over time, requires adjustment, a little repair. Springless designs are easily subjected to partial repair.
The reasons for their failure may be different:
- mechanical damage with a sharp object;
- reboot;
- normal "physical" aging;
- the appearance of holes, cracks under the influence of water, other environmental factors.
Replacing the springless unit, carrying the beam, frame parts, cover - all these services are offered by many companies. Full hauling, the restoration of the mattress of polyurethane foam does not take much time, is relatively inexpensive. If you wish, you can make a small repair yourself. For example, many owners can easily sew a new case, replace the damaged layer of foam. It does not need special skills, expensive equipment.
Choosing a children's mattress
![Springless children's mattress on two sides](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/bespruzhinnyj-detskij-matras-na-osnove-ortopedicheskoj-peny-i-kokosovoj-kojry-imeet-dve-storony-i-otlichno-podojdet-dlya-rastushchego-organizma-590x313.jpg)
Springless children's mattress based on orthopedic foam and coconut coir has two sides and is perfect for a growing body
Foam mattresses parents often choose for their children because of the good orthopedic properties, affordable prices, and hypoallergenicity. When choosing such a mattress it is necessary to take into account several important criteria.
- Individual parameters of the baby. Height, weight, age. Experts recommend choosing mattresses with a low, medium level of rigidity for children. They will allow the child's body to properly form and grow.
- The size of the bed. The sleeping surface should fit perfectly in size. If the mattress is smaller, it will lead to discomfort during sleep, rapid wear of the product. The mattress can be only 1-2 centimeters smaller than the internal volume of the bed.
- Mattress weight The higher the weight of the PPU product, the higher its quality. Large weight means high density design. At high density, the sleeping surface will last for many years.
- Surface stability Choosing a product, you need to evaluate it by touch. First, sit on the surface, then stand. Pay attention to the time it takes for the surface to regain its former shape. Rapid restoration of the initial form is a significant indicator of high quality.
- Wear resistance cover. Baby bed is subjected to a large load. Children love to jump on the mattress, play, have fun. All this leads to increased wear of the cover. For this reason, it is necessary to initially give preference to dense, wear-resistant fabrics of good quality. Jacquard - perfect. Fabric has tremendous operational properties.
![Mattress for children Umka from PPU](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/matras-detskij-umka-dlya-detej-shkolnogo-vozrasta-iz-poliuretana-i-kokosovoj-kojry-590x443.jpg)
Mattress for children Umka for school children from polyurethane and coconut coir
Video: Which mattress is better: spring or springless
![Mattress on the basis of the spring block](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/matrasy-na-osnove-pruzhinnogo-bloka-bonnel-otlichayutsya-dlitelnym-srokom-sluzhby-horosho-ventiliruyutsya-i-bystro-vysyhayut-pri-namokanii-205x170.jpg)
![Blot stain](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/promakivaem-pyatno-polotencem-ili-specialnoj-tryapochokj-205x170.jpg)
![Foam products](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/porolonovye-izdeliya-legkie-poristye-bystro-sohnut-i-horosho-provetrivayutsya-205x170.jpg)
![We measure the bed sleeper](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/pered-tem-kak-zakazat-nestandartnyj-matras-nuzhno-tshchatelno-izmerit-spalnoe-mesto-krovati-e1542226238733-205x170.png)