Parents want the best for their children. In stores and markets, prices are rising all the time. This applies to any goods, including furniture. Adults are forced to save a lot. They often ...
In our time it has become fashionable to equip an apartment in accordance with the methods of Feng Shui. This technique came to us from China. About a thousand years ago, attentive Chinese noticed that, depending on the location ...
Every parent knows how difficult it is to organize a room for a child. What if there are two children? Particularly acute this issue concerns the bed. The best solution would be a children's bunk bed.
Besides ...
For bedrooms, if there is an acute problem with the storage of bed linen, seasonal clothes, the solution will be a 2-bed with a lifting mechanism.
Representing a classic ...
A bed is always an object that occupies a rather large place in the interior. Particularly relevant is the organization of the space of the children's room, and even in a small apartment. Children...
Modern room design can combine elements of different styles - Scandinavian, Provence, Oriental and other directions. Design comes to the fact that the most unusual solutions appear in the interior ....
To save space and give the room a proper interior, you need to combine stylish and compact furniture at the same time.
A good solution to this issue is ...
Nowadays, the theme of comfortable home furnishing is actively gaining momentum. In the market of furniture solutions begins to prevail more compact and stylish set. The reason for this trend ...
The owners of modern apartments do not always have a large number of spacious rooms. Often, when buying furniture and interior items, the choice is between functionality and appearance. Compact ...
In the assortment of modern household items there is such a product as a folding bed with a mattress - a light and compact object, which is a full-fledged sleeping place when unfolded.
Many face this choice when it comes time to buy a bed. The question is, why buy an orthopedic base when you can get along with an orthopedic mattress?
In this article...
The bed occupies a central place in the bedroom. On it you can sleep, relax, read, watch TV.
Let's talk about how the bed headboard is and how it can be made with your own hands ...