![Small apartment for two with a bed under the ceiling](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/nebolshaya-kvartira-dlya-dvoih-s-krovatyu-pod-potolkom-205x170.jpg)
How to choose a mattress for the bed?
A person is in a hurry all the time, working, leading a turbulent life. Sleep - the main component of life. How to make sleeping was sweet, comfortable. The answer is very simple. This is not about expensive sleeping pills, but about comfortable mattresses. The choice depends on many components. The bedroom is the main room of the house. Here a person can relax, take a break from the stormy rhythm repeated every day. So that the bedroom was good, you need a comfortable bed, and most importantly a great mattress.
![Convenient and comfortable stay](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ot-togo-naskolko-horosho-i-kachestvenno-my-otdyhaem-nochyu-zavisit-kakim-budet-nashe-nastroenie-i-samochuvstvie-dnem-590x393.jpg)
How well and efficiently we rest at night depends on how our mood and well-being will be in the daytime.
Successfully selected model is the key to excellent sleep and health. It allows you to sleep well, to create favorable conditions for the spine.
How to choose a mattress for the bed, what to use filler, coating? Choose orthopedic or simple? What are the types of mattresses for the bed? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.
![Recommendations of experts on the choice of filler](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Kak-vybrat-matras-rekomendatsii-ekspertovi.jpg)
Choosing a comfortable mattress according to your preferences
- 1 We make measurements
- 2 Types of structures: spring and springless
- 3 Natural or artificial fillers - what to stop?
- 4 Types of artificial fillers
- 5 Aesthetic look - choose upholstery
- 6 The key to a comfortable sleep - stiffness
- 7 How to buy a great mattress for a double bed
- 8 Advantages of orthopedic products
- 9 How often to change the mattress for the bed
- 10 Video: How to choose a mattress? Main selection criteria
We make measurements
![Mattress - an element of our home](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/matras-ehlement-nashego-doma-kotoryj-sposoben-podarit-nam-prekrasnyj-otdyh-poehtomu-k-ego-vyboru-stoit-podojti-so-vsej-otvetstvennostyu-590x443.jpg)
The mattress is an element of our house, which is able to give us a wonderful holiday, so its choice should be approached with full responsibility
Made accurate measurements - the first step in a successful purchase. How to make measurements and get a quality product? It is enough to follow a few rules.
![Bed dimensions](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/gabarity-neobhodimo-podbirat-s-uchetom-harakteristik-vashej-krovati.jpg)
Dimensions must be selected according to the characteristics of your bed.
There are several options for metering.
- Measure the perimeter of the bed. Measure the old product can not be miscalculated. Years later, it loses its properties, is wearing out, measurements are incorrect, the new one will hang out.
We make internal measurements of the bed in order to choose the size of the mattress
- The second option, the size should be 10-15 centimeters in length more than the height of the sleeper. The width of 70-80 centimeters, taking into account the number of people.
We select the length of the mattress, depending on the height of the sleeping person
The standard value by European standards is 80-200 centimeters. Height choose, starting from their own wishes. According to the standard, it is from 5 to 50 centimeters. Depends on the height of the spring unit. There are thin designs, they are used to cover the main, to make it easier to sleep. Experts have established a comfortable height of 16-18 centimeters. You can determine the height, given the deepening of the bed.
![Standard sizes](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/raznye-standartnye-razmery-podojdut-dlya-raznyh-sluchaev.jpg)
Different standard sizes are suitable for different occasions.
Opinion of experts - you can purchase a suitable option without using roulette. There are two solutions.
- Buy a bed with a mattress from one manufacturer. If the purchase is not possible at the same time, order from the manufacturer of the bed. This ensures that it will fit perfectly.
- It is impossible to buy at the same time, then we measure, we order in size. It is better to use the services of a domestic factory. First: the prices are moderate. Secondly: it will meet the requirements imposed, it will fit 100%.European manufacturers are also engaged in manufacturing the size of customers, but it is a little expensive in terms of budget.
![Standard Size Mattresses](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/bolshinstvo-proizvoditelej-mebeli-i-matrasov-izgotavlivayut-izdeliya-standartnyh-razmerov.jpg)
Most manufacturers of furniture and mattresses make products of standard sizes.
Types of structures: spring and springless
![Which is better - spring or springless](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/osoboj-raznicy-mezhdu-pruzhinnymi-i-bespruzhinnymi-matrasami-s-tochki-zreniya-obespecheniya-blagopriyatnyh-uslovij-dlya-vashego-sna-net.jpg)
There is no special difference between spring and springless mattresses in terms of providing favorable conditions for your sleep.
Choosing is not so easy. There are several types, each in its own unique way. To stop at one, it is necessary to study the characteristics of each.
Spring and springless species are very popular. Share on subspecies.
![Ensuring proper body support](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/za-obespechenie-pravilnoj-podderzhki-tela-v-pruzhinnom-matrase-otvechayut-neposredstvenno-pruzhinnye-bloki-i-osnovnaya-nagruzka-prihoditsya-na-nih.jpg)
For the provision of proper support of the body in the spring mattress spring blocks are directly responsible, and the main load falls on them
Spring construction is dependent and independent.
- With the dependent spring block, they got the name from the fact that with pressure on one of the springs, they all begin to act. The model is popular because of the affordable price. But it has a big drawback - after a certain period of constant use it becomes unusable. Stretching the middle and it turns out that sleeping people roll. Opinion of experts: it is better to use for short-term use.
Due to the fact that all the springs are connected, the pressure is distributed over the entire surface of the bed.
- Independent spring blocks are a great choice, but for the price they bite. Each spring is in a case made of special fabric (spunbond). Unlike the dependent spring block, the independent does not move from the pressure on one spring. It serves for many years, does not sag. Despite the high cost, more often the buyer chooses it. Another important point is the more springs, the more comfortable it is to sleep. This is a guarantee of durability.
In the mattress with independent springs, each of them works independently
- Without springs - an economy option for those who do not have a large budget. The shelf life of the product is small. Springless different fillers. If you correctly choose the content, springless will last a long time. It is better to stop on natural fillers. The ability to choose the density of the complexion of the consumer, do not accumulate dust, do not cause an allergic reaction, perfectly pass the air.
Due to the absence of springs, these mattresses do not have a springy effect.
Natural or artificial fillers - what to stop?
The main difference is fillers. Which is better - the buyer decides, starting from the budget, their own wishes. Natural materials are especially popular, they are durable in use, non-allergenic, harmless to health, an ideal choice for people of different build.
Types of natural.
- Coir. Breathable material, the thickness depends on the rigidity, elasticity. Coir thickness: 1 centimeter - medium stiffness design, three centimeters is already a rather rigid product. A great choice for obese people. Used in models with spring block. Will not be forced through, stretched from overweight. It will last a long time.
Coconut coir is a natural elastic, tough material with good breathability
- Latex is the second most popular natural material. Latex makes the surface soft, flexible, very comfortable. The use of models with a filler of latex is suitable for those who are prone to lie down on a soft coating. During sleep, all muscles, ligaments relax, there is no tension in the articular part, the spine. The use of soft latex construction is recommended for people with low body mass.
Latex - elastic and dense material, used in soft and medium hard mattresses
In addition to natural fillers, use artificial. We get budget options, affordable, not inferior in quality.
Types of artificial fillers
- Foam rubber - one of the cheapest fillers. It differs in thickness, density, workmanship. Despite the popularity in certain circles, experts do not recommend the use. Over time, the design begins to sag.
Mattress foam - affordable, low-cost filler
- Artificial latex is available. Difference from natural - has a low cost. It has high strength, gives the structure rigidity, elasticity. Ideally priced, quality, used with spring block. It is recommended for overweight people.
Synthetic latex mattresses are usually hard.
- Holofiber Not inferior to natural. The material retains heat, passes air, is resistant to ingress of moisture, extraneous odors. Checked by experts, the version with a holofiber filling is long, does not deform. Satisfies buyers at the price, quality. Hollofayber can be used as a filler as a spring type, and springless. Suitable for people with allergies.
Holofiber mattress is medium hard, quite durable and relatively inexpensive
The product must have a “face” that attracts consumers. Let's talk about the upholstery - how to choose the right, from what to make a start?
Aesthetic look - choose upholstery
![The choice of mattress on individual preferences](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/kazhdyj-organizm-individualen-i-vasha-glavnaya-zadacha-sostoit-v-tom-chtoby-podobrat-matras-osnovyvayas-na-individualnyh-predpochteniyah-590x420.jpg)
Each organism is individual and your main task is to choose a mattress based on individual preferences.
Choosing a mattress for the bed, the buyer pays attention to the appearance. Upholstery plays an important role. Attracting customers, manufacturers clothe products in covers of different colors, pleasant to the touch, capable of serving for many years. Sew covers from high-strength fabrics - cotton, flax, polypropylene, polyester. Mattress covers are covered with a special impregnation, which will protect against allergic reactions, dust.
The key to a comfortable sleep - stiffness
![Mattress hardness table](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/podbiraya-dlya-sebya-pravilnuyu-zhestkost-neobhodimo-uchityvat-parametry-vozrasta-i-vesa.jpg)
Choosing for yourself the correct stiffness, it is necessary to consider the parameters of age and weight
In order for a dream not to turn into flour, it is necessary to select the desired rigidity. How to do it, from what to make a start? It's simple, the stiffness indicator depends on the weight of the sleeper. Weight 55 kilograms - it is recommended to choose a soft surface, sleep will be comfortable. Sleeping on such a mattress will not feel beaten in the morning. The average stiffness of the product is suitable for weight from 55-90 kilograms. Finally, people weighing 90 kilograms can choose the hard option. Comfortable not only lie, but sit. The edges do not bend, and the middle is not pressed.
![Correct and wrong mattresses](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/optimalnym-resheniem-budet-priobretenie-matrasa-srednej-zhestkosti-ne-zavisimo-ot-togo-kakie-ehto-budut-modeli-pruzhinnye-ili-bespruzhinnye.jpg)
The best solution would be to purchase a mattress of medium hardness, regardless of whether the models are spring or springless.
Why, asks the buyer, you need to choose, given its own weight? The distribution of body weight ensures an increased level of comfort during sleep. A person weighing 100 kilograms, if he lies on a soft surface, will feel uncomfortable in the morning. Muscles, ligaments, joints will remain in a tense state, due to the large weight of the product is constantly being pressed through, sags. And, conversely, a fragile girl with a weight of 48 kilograms will not be able to sleep on a hard surface. Increased load of the vertebrae, joints, hips - the result of a health problem.
How to buy a great mattress for a double bed
![Mattress areas](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/matras-progibaetsya-po-raznomu-v-zavisimosti-ot-vesa-i-polozheniya-cheloveka-590x256.jpg)
The mattress bends differently depending on the weight and position of the person.
Need a model for a king size bed? Here are your subtleties of choice. How to choose a mattress for a double bed? The first is a particularly durable construction, enduring to heavy loads. How to choose if people have different weight? My wife has 50, and my husband has 100 kilograms. There is a way out. Experienced experts single out the main way out of this situation - to buy two different ones, taking into account the weight category of sleepers.
- A man and a woman sleep in their own half, preserving their personal space.Buying two models of different rigidity. A woman will suit a soft, and a large man hard. Everyone can sleep with a higher level of comfort. Get rid of the gap between the two products at the expense of a thin springless product, put it on top or purchase a case that connects together.
- Buyers do not want to wake up on different mattresses? You just need to purchase a model that has two different sides with different levels of rigidity. By the method of experiment to determine which side to sleep comfortably for both spouses. An acceptable way in material terms, a way out for both spouses.
![Mattress with longitudinal zoning](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ortopedicheskij-matras-s-prodolnym-zonirovaniem-matrasy-s-nesimmetrichnoj-konstrukciej-dva-matrasa-s-raznoj-zhestkostyu-v-odnom-chekhle-590x209.jpeg)
Orthopedic mattress with longitudinal zoning (mattresses with asymmetrical design) - two mattresses with different stiffness in one case
Advantages of orthopedic products
![Orthopedic effect](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ortopedicheskij-ehffekt-dostigaetsya-tolko-kogda-vy-ispolzuete-matras-podobrannyj-pod-vashi-fizicheskie-dannye-590x217.jpeg)
Orthopedic effect is achieved only when you use a mattress matched to your physique.
How to choose an orthopedic mattress, why do we need such a design? Elementary - it allows you to sleep comfortably, without harm to health. Due to the fact that exactly follows the contours of the human body. Relax joints, ligaments, no load on the vertebrae. To choose, you need to know the main condition. The more springs in the design, the better the orthopedic properties. The presence of 500 springs allows the product to follow the contours of the human body during sleep.
The main effect is two functions.
- Repeat exactly the silhouette of a man.
- Spine support.
Having made the right choice, there is confidence that in the future there will be no troubles like vertebral dislocation, intervertebral discs. Sleep is compared to sleep in the clouds, the person completely relaxes, the product follows the contours, the bends of the human body. This model has one minus - high cost, but it pays for itself completely.
How often to change the mattress for the bed
![Mattress durability](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/dolgovechnost-lyubogo-pruzhinnogo-ili-bespruzhinnogo-matrasov-zavisit-ot-kachestva-firmy-izgotovitelya-i-napolnitelya-iz-kotorogo-on-sostoit.jpg)
The durability of any spring or springless mattresses depends on the quality of the manufacturer and the filler of which it consists
The opinion of experts - it is recommended to change every 7 years, regardless of the care, quality indicators. Why is a replacement needed if in perfect condition? During operation, a reproduction environment for dust mites and bacteria is created. Even if decent care is carried out, dust mites appear over time. The result is increased allergenicity. This will lead to chronic diseases. Believe the timing of 15-20 years is impossible. Whatever mattresses are made for, it is a long time. The maximum allowable time for operation is 7 years, and for orthopedic latex 10 years.
The key to a comfortable sleep is a well-chosen mattress. Based on the above points, to buy the ideal model to any buyer with a different weight category is real. Choosing a design, it is necessary to remember the nuances. Otherwise, you will have to pay for a poor-quality product, and sleep will become agony. Qualitative model - the guarantee of consumer health in the future. It is better to pay once and get a decent option than to suffer every night.
Video: How to choose a mattress? Main selection criteria
![Small apartment for two with a bed under the ceiling](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/nebolshaya-kvartira-dlya-dvoih-s-krovatyu-pod-potolkom-205x170.jpg)
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