![Protection and decoration can be achieved using different compositions.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Zashhitu-i-dekorirovanie-mozhno-obespechit-s-ispolzovaniem-raznyh-sostavov-205x170.jpg)
What to do if the cat pulls the sofa?
Who doesn't love cats? Fluffies with soft tummies and scratching paws are capable of touching anyone. Unfortunately, each cat can be a “Darth Vader on the dark side of the Death Star”: animals spoil furniture by scratching sofas and chairs. How to deal with the fact that the cat sharpens claws and fights furniture, we describe below.
![Cat is tearing the sofa](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/chtoby-otuchit-koshku-drat-mebel-nuzhny-terpenie-spokojstvie-i-izobretatelnost-590x389.jpg)
To wean a cat to tear down furniture, you need patience, calm and ingenuity.
Cat scratching claws on furniture?
![Cat scratching furniture](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/carapane-vrozhdyonnaya-potrebnost-u-zhivotnyh-iz-semejstva-koshachih-590x277.jpg)
Scratching - a congenital need in felines
Watched "In the world of animals"? We saw that not only cats, but also tigers and lions love to sharpen their claws about some baobab. So animals mark territory of possessions, sharing a smell and signaling to other individuals: "I am terrible and terrible, run in fear"! Scratching claws on furniture, cats take care of hygiene.
![Peeling for cats is helpful](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/obdiraya-obivku-myagkoj-mebeli-koshka-ostavlyaet-na-nej-otmershie-cheshujki-kogotkov-e1526492157462-590x424.jpg)
By stripping the upholstery of upholstered furniture, the cat leaves dead claw scales on it
In cats, claws exfoliate - this is a known fact. Vacuuming the carpets in the house, ever found cat claws. Not! No need to worry about the torn cat's claws and think that poor pussy has suffered. This is quite a natural process and sharpening the claws about the pieces of furniture in the house, the cats help to exfoliate the scales on the legs.
![Cat's claws flake off and fall off themselves](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/esli-kogti-koshki-otslaivayutsya-i-otpadayut-sami-soboj-ne-prichinyaya-pri-ehtom-neudobstv-zhivotnomu-to-ehto-vpolne-normalno.jpg)
If the cat's claws exfoliate and fall off by themselves, without causing inconvenience to the animal, then this is quite normal.
![Baby rub your favorite furniture](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/chasto-koshka-zanimayas-stol-poleznoj-proceduroj-kak-stachivanie-kogtej-portit-lyubimye-divan-kreslo-ili-krovat-vladelca-590x394.jpg)
Often, a cat, doing such a useful procedure - as grinding claws, spoils your favorite sofa, chair or owner’s bed
A number of cats get rid of their experiences, sharpening their claws on furniture. It is better for you not to upset the cat, the animal will not take long and take revenge on the nearest sofa.
![Different cats prefer different surfaces.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/koshke-ne-vsyo-ravno-obo-chto-tochit-kogti-odni-lyubyat-zhyostkuyu-poverhnost-drugie-myagkuyu.jpg)
The cat doesn't care about sharpening its claws: some like a hard surface, others like a soft
Seals are training like that. Animals fight armchairs, practicing pushing claws out of their paws: this is an indispensable thing needed for hunting and getting food. Your cat in a bowl always has a Whiskas, and he doesn’t have to worry about food. But evolution is evolution. If the cat is supposed to hunt mice - he will do it, training skills on furniture.
![Cat uses its claws](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/koshka-ispolzuet-svoi-kogti-kak-lovkie-instrumenty.jpg)
The cat uses its claws as deft instruments.
Wean the cat to tear up furniture
![Cat's claws](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/obrezat-kogti-nuzhno-ochen-ostorozhno-chtoby-ne-povredit-myagkie-tkani.png)
Cut the claws very carefully so as not to damage the soft tissue.
Claws can be removed from an animal: it is impossible to wean a cat to tear furniture. The manipulation is called onychectomy, and it is done in any veterinary clinic. We will call the method the most popular way to save the sofas from the attack of the cat's paws. But this is an operation, and not every cat owner will take such measures when there is a spoiled sofa between the pet and the owner. The cat needs to enter anesthesia - it does not pass without leaving a trace to the body.
![Metal cutting pliers](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/metallicheskie-kusachki-dlya-obrezki-koshachih-kogtej-590x590.jpg)
Metal pliers for trimming cat claws
A clawed cat is an inferior animal that can be considered a real handicap. He can not play, scratch, fully jump.
![Cutting a claw at a cat](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/srezanie-kogtya-u-koshki-v-pravilnom-oshibochnom-i-opasnom-polozheniyah-392x590.jpg)
Cutting the claw of a cat in the correct, erroneous and dangerous positions
A cat can break off the balcony eaves if he likes such walks: the animal will not catch its claws over the edge. This method will damage the posture of the cat, the animal will live in constant stress.
![Finger location](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/raspolozhenie-palca-koshki-vnutri-stupni-pri-hodbe.jpg)
The location of the cat's finger inside the foot when walking
You need to use the claw
Such a kogtetochka performs 2 functions at once - an indispensable device for a cat and a luxurious decorative floor vase.
The most humane way to save the sofa from the encroachment of a cat, to get a scratching post.
![Folding kogtetochka](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/skladnaya-kogtetochka-neobychnoj-formy-i-naklonnoj-poverhnostyu.jpg)
Foldable kogtetochka unusual shape with an inclined surface
Adaptations are offered in the form of:
- columns;
Cattail for Fox Cats - teaser post
- plates, with hemp wound on them;
Corner kogtetochka of plates wrapped with natural rope
- shelves with makhra.
![Kogtetochka with shelves](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/kogtetochka-s-polochkami-sdelannaya-svoimi-rukami-590x443.jpg)
Do-it-yourself kogtetochka
![Scratching arrangement](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/kogtetochku-mozhno-raspolozhit-tam-gde-zhivotnoe-provodit-bolshuyu-chast-svoego-vremeni-590x369.jpg)
A claw can be placed where the animal spends most of its time.
Do not rejoice ahead of time: buy a claw tie, but the animal will ignore it. It is better to teach the cat to scratch the claws on this device. It will be easier for you to teach a kitten than an adult animal.
![Universal cat house](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/universalnyj-koshachij-raskladnoj-domik-s-gamakom-i-kogtetochkoj.jpg)
Universal cat folding house with a hammock and a claw
To do this, take the animal by its paw and run it across the surface of the claw, so that the cat clings to it with its claws. With the help of such lessons, you will quickly achieve the desired result: the cat will understand what the claw is necessary for.
![Kogtetochka on a patterned rug](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/kogtetochka-na-uzornom-kovrike-garmonichnoe-dizajnerskoe-dopolnenie-interera-590x536.jpg)
Kogtetochka on a patterned rug - a harmonious design complement the interior
Kogtetochka do it yourself
Hemp | To wind up |
Board | Nail to wall |
![Homemade kogtetochka](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/samodelnaya-kogtetochka-s-minimalnymi-zatratami-590x558.jpg)
Homemade kogtetochka with minimal cost
![Big Scraper](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/bolshaya-kogtetochka-iz-plastikovoj-truby-svoimi-rukami-443x590.jpeg)
Big scraper from plastic pipe do it yourself
We use covers for claws
Now, Aliexpress is selling some colored nozzles that you can just put on your claws. This method is expensive: you need to change the covers once a week, not forgetting about the cat manicure.
![Anti-Scratch Fixture](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/prisposoblenie-anticarapki-specialnye-kolpachki-kotorye-odevayutsya-na-kogti-i-ne-dayut-carapatsya-i-drat-mebel-590x197.png)
“Antitsarapki” device - special caps that put on claws and do not allow scratching and tearing furniture
Apply spray
![Spray protection](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/sprej-zashchita-ot-carapanya-dlya-koshek-i-kotyat-pomogaet-otuchit-vashih-lyubimcev-carapat-i-tochit-kogti-v-nezhelatelnyh-dlya-hozyaev-mestah-i-predmetah.jpg)
Spray scratch protection for cats and kittens helps wean your pets to scratch and sharpen claws in unwanted places and objects for owners
Zoosalon offer sprays that frighten cats from sofas. Spray the agent on the sofa, and the cat will not begin to tear it, says the advertisement.
![Reliable repellent spray](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/nadezhnyj-otpugivayushchij-sprej-kotoryj-pomozhet-otuchit-koshek-ot-prebyvaniya-v-dannom-nezhelatelnom-meste-404x590.jpg)
Reliable deterrent spray that will help wean cats to stay in this undesirable place.
But this statement is far from the truth. In fact, almost all cats ignore these tools.
![Catnip Spray](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/sprej-s-koshachej-myatoj-nuzhno-nanosit-v-te-mesta-k-kotorym-vy-hotite-privlech-vnimanie-koshek.jpg)
Spray with catnip should be applied to the places you want to attract the attention of cats
We hope our material was useful to you, and the furniture in the house will be saved from the scratches of the fluffies with the feet.
Video: How to wean a cat tear up a sofa and wallpaper ??? | Cat rearing |
![Protection and decoration can be achieved using different compositions.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Zashhitu-i-dekorirovanie-mozhno-obespechit-s-ispolzovaniem-raznyh-sostavov-205x170.jpg)
![Parasites bedbugs](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/klopy-parazity-kotorye-yavlyayutsya-prichinoj-mnogih-infekcionnyh-zabolevanij-ostavlyayut-sledy-na-tele-cheloveka-kotorye-zudyat-i-mogut-vyzvat-allergicheskuyu-reakciyu-205x170.jpg)
![roller box mechanism](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/rolikovyj-mekhanizm-yashchikov.jpg)