![Single blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/modeli-dlya-vzroslyh-odinarnogo-plana-rasschitany-na-odnogo-polzovatelya-so-srednim-vesom-do-90-kg-205x170.jpg)
Euro bed linen mini size
Every person at least once in his life thinks about buying bed linen and is immediately lost in the variety of shapes, colors and materials. Silk, satin, coarse calico, and one and a half, double, euro, family - there are a lot of variations. Now on the market a wide selection of kits for every taste.
![Choosing bed linen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/raznye-proizvoditeli-predlagayut-sejchas-bolshoj-vybor-postelnogo-belya-na-lyuboj-vkus-590x590.jpg)
Different manufacturers now offer a large selection of bed linen for every taste.
Buyers do not hesitate for a long time between double and one and a half. A huge variety of sizes makes you wonder, but what option is needed?
![Euro bed linen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/postelnoe-bele-evro-otlichaetsya-ot-dvuspalnogo-komplekta-razmerom-prostyni-i-pododeyalnika-590x417.jpg)
Euro bed linen is different from a double set the size of a sheet and duvet cover
The new benchmark for accessories for a sweet dream.
![Choosing a comfortable bedding](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dlya-komfortnogo-sna-vazhno-pravilno-vybrat-ne-tolko-krovat-i-matras-no-i-postelnoe-bele.jpg)
For a comfortable sleep, it is important to choose not only the bed and mattress, but also bed linen.
Progress does not stand still, in the world for a long time there are many types of mattresses, pillows, blankets. They serve for a comfortable restful sleep. All sorts of options for sleeping kits came into our lives when furniture manufacturers began to produce more comfortable wide beds
![Double wide bed](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dvuspalnaya-shirokaya-krovat-otlichnoe-reshenie-dlya-semejnoj-spalni-590x332.jpeg)
Large double bed - a great solution for a family bedroom
The old double set became frankly small. Immediately there were improved sets of euro standard. Now choosing from a variety of models, you ask yourself: Euro bedding - what does it mean?
![Making the right choice](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dlya-pravilnogo-vybora-postelnogo-neobhodimo-opredelitsya-s-velichinoj-odeyala-i-podushek-i-uchest-skolko-chelovek-budet-spat-na-krovati-590x331.jpg)
For the correct choice of bed you need to decide on the size of the blanket and pillows, and consider how many people will sleep on the bed
In order to find the answer, consider the width and length of the parts of the set. Let's start with a sheet, it comes in two sizes - 240x260 and 220x250. Immediately evident, the set is larger than the standard length. What else is different bedding from the euro euro? Of course, the size of the duvet cover. It is wider and longer - 200x220. As for the pillowcase, its size remains unchanged - 50x70 and 70x70. Compared with a double bed linen euro significantly larger in size.
![Euro bedding sets](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/komplekty-postelnogo-belya-evro-polzuyutsya-vse-bolshim-sprosom-tak-kak-rasschitany-na-bolshie-krovati-dlya-semejnyh-par-590x382.jpg)
Euro bedding sets are increasingly in demand, as are designed for large beds for couples
But there is also a family set, it differs from a double one by the presence of two duvet covers. They are smaller in size, but they allow them to hide without fear that they will “pull off” the blanket for the night. This standard is the most expensive and not very popular.
![Family suite](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/semejnyj-komplekt-postelnogo-belya-s-dvumya-pododeyalnikami.jpg)
Family bedding set with two duvet covers
How to buy the right kit
![High-quality bedding](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/udachnyj-komplekt-postelnogo-belya-dolzhen-byt-v-pervuyu-ochered-kachestvennym-590x520.jpg)
A good set of bed linen should be first and foremost quality
Before you buy a kit you need to remember, bedding euro must be not only beautiful, but safe for health.
![Calm bedding colors](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dlya-krepkogo-i-spokojnogo-sna-cvet-postelnogo-dolzhen-byt-spokojnym-590x493.jpg)
For a good and restful sleep, the bed color should be calm.
![Bright euro bed set](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/slishkom-skuchnyj-interer-ozhivit-yarkij-risunok-ili-cvet-postelnogo-belya-590x590.jpg)
Also too boring interior can liven up a bright pattern or color of bed linen.
There are several secrets to help you choose a set.
- The set must be sewn with high quality, the duvet cover slot at the quality set is located at the bottom, closed with buttons or a zipper. The sheet has a neatly machined edge; if it is tensioned with a seam in the middle, then the seam is very neat, not convex. Pillowcases - with a pocket or clasp.
The seams should not interfere with use and should be moderately strong
- The fabric of which the kit is made should be dense (the lowest density is 20 threads per 1 cm, the highest is 140-280 threads), but the main parameter is hygroscopicity, the fabric must absorb moisture well.
![The fabric should be strong and soft.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/komplekt-dolzhen-byt-vypolnen-iz-prochnoj-i-myagkoj-tkani-legko-stiratsya-i-ne-linyat-590x383.jpg)
The kit should be made of durable and soft fabric, easy to wash and not shed
![The choice of material for bed](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/pri-vybore-materiala-dlya-postelnogo-belya-obyazatelno-chitajte-sostav-nelzya-orientirovatsya-isklyuchitelno-na-vneshnij-vid.jpg)
When choosing material for bedding, be sure to read the composition - you can not rely solely on the appearance
Let's talk about the fabric itself. The ideal choice would be cotton fabric, such as chintz, satin or flannel. Silk will also provide a wonderful dream.
![The calico is very thin and lightweight.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/sitec-ochen-tonkaya-i-legkaya-tkan-obladaet-otlichnoj-vozduhopronicaemostyu-i-gipoallergennostyu-no-v-processe-ehkspluatacii-ona-bystro-iznashivaetsya-tuskneet-590x393.jpg)
The chintz is a very thin and light fabric, has excellent breathability and hypoallergenicity, but during operation it wears out quickly and dims.
![Satin fabric for bed](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/satin-tkan-ochen-prochnaya-a-potomu-bele-iz-nee-ne-utrachivaet-svoi-pervonachalnye-kachestva-dazhe-posle-mnogokratnyh-stirok-590x392.jpg)
Satin - the fabric is very durable, and therefore the linen from it does not lose its original qualities even after repeated washings.
![Bedding set of flannel](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/komplekt-postelnogo-belya-iz-flaneli-norvezhskij-uzor-poshit-iz-myagkoj-uyutnoj-i-pushistoj-tkan-ochen-komfortnoj-dlya-sna-v-holodnoe-vremya-goda-e1541282256979-590x336.jpg)
The bedding set from flannel “Norwegian pattern” is sewn of soft, cozy and fluffy fabric, very comfortable for sleeping during the cold season.
![Silk bedding](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/postelnoe-bele-iz-naturalnogo-shelka-ochen-prochnoe-legkoe-krasivoe-i-prakticheski-vechnoe.jpg)
Natural silk bedding is very durable, lightweight, beautiful and almost eternal
Differences of bed sets that decide everything
![Standards and sizes](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/standarty-i-razmery-postelnyh-komplektov-590x390.jpg)
Standards and sizes of bedding
European standard bedding itself is different. The reason for the different dimensions is that there are blankets of different sizes, manufacturers make more comfortable models for tall people. Euro mini bedding has the following dimensions:
- duvet cover - 220x200;
- sheet - 240x220;
- pillowcase - 70x70.
![Standard Size Chart](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/tablica-standartnyh-razmerov-postelnogo-belya-pomozhet-opredelitsya-v-tochnyh-razmerah-izdelij-v-komplekte-i-sootvetstvie-ego-spalnomu-mestu-590x138.png)
A table of standard sizes of bed linen will help determine the exact dimensions of the products in the set and match it to a sleeping place.
These sizes are more familiar to the buyer. At first glance, only the duvet cover is different, but this is a fallacy. Euro sheet is an improved enlarged sheet. It has a size that exactly matches the size of the duvet cover, fits perfectly, completely covers the mattress. Sometimes a manufacturer makes square sheets measuring 220x220.
![Euro and Euro mini size](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/razmer-evro-imeet-dva-varianta-pervyj-ehto-osnovnoj-razmer-evro-ili-evro-maksi-i-vtoroj-variant-evro-mini-590x205.jpg)
The size of "euro" has two options: the first is the main size of "Euro" or "Euro maxi" and the second option is "Euro mini"
In order to determine what size a set of bed linen you need, measure the mattress and add to the size of 20 cm.
![Standard mattress sizes](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/standartnye-razmery-matrasov-oblegchayut-vybor-komplekta-590x237.jpg)
Standard mattress sizes make kit selection easier.
Then measure the blanket, in this case you do not need to add anything. A quilt cover of a larger size will not hold a blanket, it will spin in the middle.
![Sizes of blankets](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/na-odeyala-standartnyh-razmerov-legko-vybrat-pododeyalnik-dlya-nestandartnyh-tolko-shit-po-individualnym-razmeram-590x171.png)
For blankets of standard sizes, it is easy to choose a duvet cover; for non-standard ones, just sew by individual sizes.
We now turn to the pillows, in our country the standard is 70x70, but now you can meet the European standard 50x70. After all parts are measured, proceed to the choice of parameters. Oriented when choosing accessories for sleep is the size of the duvet cover.
![Pillows 50 * 70 cm](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dlya-postelnogo-evro-razmera-nuzhny-pryamougolnye-podushki-50-70-sm-590x590.jpg)
For bed size euro need rectangular pillows 50 * 70 cm
Now let's talk about why the dimensions of the pillows are different. Habitual squares are forced out by elongated cushions of euro size. This happens because orthopedic or special high pillows come on the market, they are comfortable for sleeping, they support the head perfectly, especially for people who suffer from snoring.
![Orthopedic pillow](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/podushka-ortopedicheskaya-medisoft-ot-proizvoditelya-sonex-s-razmerom-50h70-sm-e1541283615226-590x346.jpg)
Orthopedic pillow Medisoft from the manufacturer Sonex with a size of 50x70 cm
For elongated pillows use a different size pillowcase. The kit includes pillowcases of two different shapes. The common standard includes two units per set, but you can always buy more, or choose non-standard pillowcases. This is a nursery option, it is unlikely to suit adults.
![Euro set with pillowcases 50 * 70 cm](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/komplekt-dvuspalnogo-evro-postelnogo-belya-sirenevogo-cveta-izgotovlen-iz-ranforsa-i-vklyuchaet-v-sebya-2-pryamougolnye-navolochki-50-70-sm-590x442.jpeg)
The euro double bed set of lilac color is made of ranfors and includes 2 rectangular pillowcases 50 * 70 cm
Video: How to choose the size of bed linen?
![Single blanket](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/modeli-dlya-vzroslyh-odinarnogo-plana-rasschitany-na-odnogo-polzovatelya-so-srednim-vesom-do-90-kg-205x170.jpg)
![Washing the bed in a typewriter](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/pered-pervoj-stirkoj-nuzhno-vnimatelno-izuchit-ehtiketku-komplekta-i-opredelit-kakoj-rezhim-podojdet-dlya-stirki-205x170.jpg)