Types of curtain rods in the bathroom
The enclosure of the shower area in the bathing place is a must. This protects the rest of the area from moisture. As a reliable space delimiter, a curtain rod is installed in the bathroom. Its material and configuration can be different, and the choice depends on several criteria - the style of the room, the geometry of the bath, ease of mounting, long-term durability, etc.
![Rod or curtain rod](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/shtanga-ili-karniz-dlya-zakrepleniya-na-nih-zashchitnyh-shtorok-dlya-vanny-590x443.jpg)
Rod or curtain rod for fixing the protective curtains for the bath
Curtain rod in the bathroom: materials, shapes and specifications
At first glance, the separation of the bathroom and shower from the rest of the space of the room is a fairly simple task. It is enough to install the crossbar, hang the curtain and start using the design. However, it is not. There are many features that depend on the material of the eaves, the size and decor of the room, as well as the configuration of the bath (shower).
![Original Spiral Bar](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/originalnaya-spiralnaya-shtanga-s-derzhatelem-dlya-dusha-590x426.jpg)
Original spiral bar with shower holder
In the baths without frills, there is often a straight crossbar installed for curtains and performing a purely practical role - closing the walls and the floor from splashes.
![Straight curtain rod](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/pryamaya-shtanga-samyj-rasprostranennyj-i-universalnyj-variant-590x401.jpg)
Straight bar - the most common and versatile option
But for more or less design projects, where the geometry of the bath and the detachable section can be individualized, unusual designs are used - a semicircular cornice, oval, p- or g-shaped, and also asymmetrical. Due to the bends, you can maximize the protection of places not intended for swimming. The use of steel strings is now a rare case, since a thin product quickly loses tension and sags, which looks ugly.
The use of simple structures, such as a straight stick (solid or sliding eaves) or a string, is convenient in small rooms of standard planning. A sucker or bracket is used as a holder.
When mounting the rods, it is important that the hand can freely move the shutter, closing it, and be able to fold the canvas so that it does not interfere after washing. As a basis for curtains choose a dense water-repellent material. It is necessary to correlate the weight of the curtain and the holding strength so that the bar can withstand the planned loads.
Make eaves of different materials:
- metal (aluminum, chrome and alloy steel);
The most practical are metal models.
- plastic;
Plastic rods have an aesthetic appearance, affordable price and low weight
- tree.
A wooden curtain rod is chosen if the owners of the apartment seek to emphasize the originality and aesthetics of the bathroom interior design.
In design projects there are combined options - steel or aluminum with natural material, etc. They are good for bathrooms with elements of eclecticism and color diversity. Gamma may differ from the overall design, but should fit organically into it.
![Aluminum coated bar](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/alyuminievaya-shtanga-s-pokrytiem-590x401.jpeg)
Coated aluminum bar - combined product with a base of durable metal, coated with special enamel or plastic
Important points:
- the product must repel moisture well (possess anti-corrosion properties);
- the model is selected in size, taking into account the height of the ceiling, bath and shower installation.
Blinds are hung to the cornice with rings (simple or with clips), hooks, loops or grommets. The latter option is only suitable for thick webs and for the price goes more expensive.
The simple design of compact bathrooms implies the absence of massive objects. In such rooms it is better to do with a polymer bar - solid or telescopic. For individual projects in large rooms, a curtain rod with a curtain performs the function of visual zoning, so you need to immediately provide design options, whether it be a classic, high-tech or art deco.
Types of curtain rods in the bathroom
Typical distinction of eaves allows to establish more suitable design in the concrete room. When choosing it is important to know the features of the material, installation and operational characteristics in order for the crossbar to serve for a long time. If a temporary option is planned, planned as a predecessor to the main one, then first it is better to focus on an inexpensive model, during the installation of fixtures of which the walls practically do not deteriorate.
![Boom configurations](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/razlichnye-konfiguracii-shtangi-dlya-vannoj-590x472.jpg)
Different bathroom rod configurations
Telescopic rods
Pipe for curtains in the telescopic bath type is usually made of plastic, although there are also metal products. Design feature is the "stringing" pipes. With this installation, it is possible to fit the crossbar in size. If the angle is made, then select the appropriate model.
![Telescopic rod](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/teleskopicheskaya-shtanga-vyglyadit-kak-podzornaya-truba-legko-montiruetsya-590x590.jpg)
Telescopic rod looks like a telescope, easily mounted
The material of the walls for the installation of the telescopic tube does not matter. You can mount it on a painted surface or tile. A convenient option is to install on suckers, since the design is lightweight and maintains its weight and curtains. Also, the rods are simply attached to the wall with wide ends and fixed in length.
![Telescopic white bar](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/teleskopicheskaya-shtanga-pozvolyaet-legko-ustanovit-i-zafiksirovat-nuzhnuyu-dlinu-izdeliya-590x421.jpg)
Telescopic rod makes it easy to install and fix the desired length of the product
The telescopic cornice is supplied with rings for fastening the curtains, another type is not suitable, as the sockets will interfere with the movement of the curtains on the crossbar.
Rod Benefits:
- the simplicity and efficiency of the installation;
- versatility (suitable for most interior styles);
- the ability to fit the crossbar in size without cutting it;
- low cost of the product;
- no mechanical damage to the walls during installation.
Disadvantages of telescopic cornices:
- suitable only for small bathrooms;
- not recommended for the design of corner structures;
- maintain only the light weight of curtains.
On sale today there are reinforced polymer products that can withstand the increased weight of the curtain fabric. To strengthen the design can metal holders and suspensions.
Angle / L-shaped rods
Sometimes the configuration of the bath requires the installation of a certain type of cornice. Opened on both sides - short and longer - the baths assume a g-shaped fence so that the room does not flood with water from the shower.
![Curtain Angle Bar](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/uglovye-modeli-v-forme-bukvy-g-podrazumevayut-obyazatelnuyu-dopolnitelnuyu-fiksaciyu-gotovoj-konstrukcii-k-stene-potolku-ili-polu-590x401.jpg)
Angle models in the shape of the letter G imply a mandatory additional fixation of the finished structure to the wall, ceiling or floor
The rod for the curtain in the bathroom corner is installed on several or one suspension - so the design will be in a constant position, and not sag under the weight of the shifted curtains. Upper mounting do not, if the room ceiling tension type.
![Angle bar with interesting curtain](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/glavnoe-preimushchestvo-uglovoj-gardiny-sostoit-v-vozmozhnosti-reshit-problemu-ehffektivnoj-zashchity-ot-razbryzgivaniya-ne-v-odnom-a-v-dvuh-napravleniyah-590x590.jpg)
The main advantage of the corner curtain is the ability to solve the problem of effective protection against splashing not in one, but in two directions.
Rod for curtains in the bathroom - in this case, the corner - the most securely fixed by brackets, planted on the screws. Metals are used as suspensions. Most often they make one - on the open outer corner.
The size of the eaves varies based on the specific area that you want to close. If the purchased structure does not fit, it can be cut off.
Advantages of corner products:
- can be adjusted to the size of the bath / shower;
- reliable.
Cons of corner rods:
- without suspensions can quickly bend under the weight of the curtain;
- method of attachment affects the integrity of the wall surface.
U-shaped rods
Such curtain rods are close in shape to angular, but more difficult to install. Unlike them, the u-shaped bars cannot be fixed only to the walls; suspended holders (at least two) must be used.
![U-shaped eaves](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/karniz-dlya-vannoy-p-obraznoy-formyi.jpg)
The eaves with a U-shaped straight shape are used for plumbing round or oval, which is installed tightly to the wall of the bathroom
U-shaped structures are used for oval or round baths, installed on the wall on one side only.
Bars of this type are made mainly of durable steel. In individual orders can be used in bronze or gold plating.
![U-shaped eaves](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/p-obraznye-karnizy-pod-vannu-imeyut-dva-krepleniya-dlya-steny-i-dva-dopolnitelnyh-krepezha-dlya-potolka-590x443.jpg)
U-shaped cornices under the bath have two mounts for the wall and two additional ceiling fasteners
Advantages of p-eaves:
- reliability;
- maximum splash protection;
- with proper installation can withstand a large curtain weight.
Structural deficiencies:
- individual order is required;
- more expensive than conventional eaves.
Half round / curved rods
In non-standard bathrooms with designer baths, it is difficult to find the usual curtain rods - they will not fully perform their practical function. Therefore, when their design using curved crossbar - semicircular or with several bends. It is important that the rings strung to move the curtains do not linger on the turns of the pipe, but freely pass through the relief section.
![Semicircular blue bar](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/polukruglye-shtangi-nailuchshim-obrazom-podhodyat-v-tekh-sluchayah-kogda-v-uglu-ustanavlivaetsya-vanna-s-figurnym-naruzhnym-konturom-590x477.jpg)
Semicircular bars are best suited when a bath with a figured outer contour is installed in the corner.
Rod, designed for the curtain in the bathroom, can close one or two sides of the bath or be located around the perimeter. It depends on the location of the object - whether it is separated from the wall or not.
![Curtain rod for curtains](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/dugovye-polukruglye-shtangi-razrabotany-dlya-uglovyh-vann-standartnoj-ili-okrugloj-formy-590x401.jpg)
Arc, semicircular rods designed for corner baths of standard or round shape
Popular shower arc, closing the water source on both sides. Curved cornice can be released from steel with a chrome-plated, brass, plastic, bronze. Moreover, PVC is used less frequently, since the probability of subsidence of the structure is too high, especially when using heavy curtains. If they are used, then you need to choose the option is not flat, but the pipe, since there is a great possibility of cracking the material under load.
For complex rods is usually attached installation instructions. With self-installation, you need to carefully study it, and only then proceed to the implementation of the plan.
Bathroom with a tiled finish implies installation of the eaves. Do not mount the product in the joints - the material can easily crack and crumble.
Hang curtains on rings or curtain hooks. Before installation, it is necessary to measure the height at which the crossbar will be mounted. Usually at least 20 cm is left between the ceiling and the eaves.
Note! For round or elongated baths, showers with open sides, closed structures are used that are attached to the suspensions. They use not one, but two curtains.
Non-standard forms of curtain rods are usually made to order, since they are almost never on sale.
String bars
This type of cornice is used in rooms of small size. Its use is designed to facilitate the interior, creating a maximum of space. The product fits well into the situation.
![String curtain rods](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/strunnye-karnizy-imeet-nebolshoj-ves-nizkuyu-ceny-i-neobychnyj-vid.jpeg)
String curtain rods have low weight, low price and unusual look.
For the manufacture of rods using high-strength steel. Due to the subtlety of the construction, the string is almost invisible against the background of the wall - the curtain itself comes to the fore. As holders for the curtains are used hooks bent on both sides. Eyelets and rings are not suitable.
![String ceiling curtain rods](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/strunnye-potolochnye-karnizy-vyglyadyat-kak-struna-iz-metalla-funkcionalny-i-udobny-v-ehkspluatacii.jpg)
String ceiling moldings look like a metal string, functional and easy to use.
Advantages of string cornice:
- low cost;
- efficiency and ease of installation;
- strength;
- long service life.
String flaws:
- subsidence of the eaves under the weight of the curtains;
- unpresentable view in large bathrooms.
Double rod for the curtains in the bathroom
Parallel cornices are installed to increase the functionality of the crossbars. Both bars can serve as the holder of the curtains, which are pulled apart like wings. Either one of them serves for the curtains, the other - to dry the laundry.
![Double cornice](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/dvojnoj-karniz-dlya-vannoj-komnaty-vypolnen-iz-alyuminiya-i-okrashen-v-cvet-hrom-mozhet-ispolzovatsya-dlya-prosushki-polotenca-posle-dusha-590x590.jpg)
The double ledge for the bathroom is made of aluminum and painted in chrome color, can be used to dry towels after a shower
The convenience of double rods is highly valued in families where there are children - small things can be hung on the cornice. The material is selected on the principle of non-staining - plastic or stainless steel.
![Double curtain rod with two curtains](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/dvojnoj-karniz-mozhno-ispolzovat-s-osnovnoj-zashchitnoj-vinilovoj-libo-poliehsterovoj-zanaveskoj-i-zakreplennoj-pozadi-tkanevoj-shtory.jpg)
The double cornice can be used with a basic protective vinyl or polyester curtain and a fabric curtain attached behind it.
The double cornice is fixed in the same way as the single cornice - on the sticky part or on self-tapping screws with brackets. Which crossbar to choose for the curtain - internal or external - is determined on the basis of ease of use. When hand washing is better to release the bar closer to the bathroom, so that the water flowed into the bath. When machine with spinning - it is more convenient to use the external eaves.
It is possible to combine cornices in shape - of circular cross section and flat, like a curtain for rooms. The first will serve as the crossbar dryer.
Commercially available curtains can be found, but it is often necessary to fit them to the size of the bath. They are made mainly to order.
Pluses of double eaves:
- multifunctionality;
- durability.
Cons of designs:
- installation complexity;
- relative high cost.
![Plastic double rod](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/plastikovaya-dvojnaya-shtanga-belogo-cveta-podojdet-dlya-lyuboj-vannoj-komnaty-590x394.jpg)
Plastic double white bar suitable for any bathroom
Curtain brackets / holders
Fastening for curtains in the bathroom is of different types. As the holder is usually used flange or bracket. For straight, angled and semi-circular rods, two such fixings are applied - on walls.
![Holder for mounting](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/derzhatel-dlya-krepleniya-prostoj-shtangi-na-stenu-bez-sverleniya-590x394.jpg)
Holder for mounting a simple bar on the wall without drilling
With their help, install the eaves, the curtain on which will close the shower on the part of the perimeter.
![Wall mount](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/kreplenie-trubchatogo-metallicheskogo-karniza-na-stene-590x590.jpg)
Fastening a tubular metal cornice on the wall
The round flange consists of two rings - an outer and an inner one, which are inserted into each other and covering the ends of the rod. There are holes for mounting to the wall. The flange closes the installation site and makes the crossbar externally solid, aesthetic.
Curtain holders are made of various materials. They may differ from the stem base. It can be a metal, wooden or plastic holder. Moreover, polymer brackets today produce quite durable.
![Metal rod](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/metallicheskaya-shtanga-dolzhna-byt-iz-kachestvennogo-materiala-inache-na-nej-poyavitsya-rzhavchina.jpg)
The metal bar should be of high quality material, otherwise rust will appear on it.
It is important to know! Do not install eaves with suspensions on suspended or suspended ceilings.
When choosing rods, they are guided not only by the potential reliability of fastenings, but also by their aesthetic appearance. You can set the product in gold, bronze or silver, streamlined or square, angular. In design projects, there are carved mounts, as well as with a relief outer part. It is imperative to know how resistant the coating will be, since cheap spraying often under the influence of moisture quickly peels off and the product becomes ugly.True, some projects may suggest a special "aging" of the material for retro-design rooms.
![Ceiling holders](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/potolochnye-derzhateli-dlya-karniza-v-vannuyu-590x442.jpg)
Ceiling holders for the eaves in the bathroom
When installing the curtain rod for the curtains and selecting fasteners in the bathroom, you need to consider how the design will look in the overall situation.
Video: Eaves in a bathroom - installation (a profile of a yoke in an arc).