Wooden eaves for curtains do it yourself
Not the last place in the interior space occupied by curtains. They not only decorate the room, but also perform the protective function of the room. To attach the curtains in place we need cornices. The choice has an important role, because there are many varieties, made of different materials, designs, sizes, shapes.
![Types of cornices](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/karnizy-dlya-shtor-byvayut-raznyh-vidov-konstrukcij-i-iz-raznyh-materialov-590x373.jpg)
Curtain rails come in different types, designs and from different materials
The most popular wooden curtain rods for curtains, consider in detail what they are.
![Natural wood eaves](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/karnizy-izgotavlivlennye-iz-naturalnoj-prochnoj-drevesiny-imeyut-udobnuyu-formu-i-vpisyvayutsya-v-lyuboj-dizajn-590x403.jpg)
Curtain rods made of natural solid wood have a convenient shape and fit into any design
Wooden curtain rods have been used for a long time; they were among the first to be used in changing interior additions, installed in living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, and the kitchen.
Wooden curtains are made of valuable tree species: mahogany, oak, walnut, beech, mahogany, chestnut, pine. They have a beautiful aesthetic appearance, are valued by the fact that nature endowed with unique lines, patterns, durable, strong, used with both heavy curtains and light curtains, lambrequins.
With the help of varnishes, paints, and tonal coatings, they imitate these rocks, are decorated with hand-carved, covered with gilding.
![Eaves with a figured tip](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/chtoby-pridat-karnizu-zavershennyj-vid-ego-ukrashayut-figurnymi-derevyannymi-nakonechnikami.jpg)
To give the roof a finished look, it is decorated with figured wooden tips or wrought iron elements.
Eaves harmonize both in classical style, and in modern style.
Wood is an ecological material that does not contain substances harmful to human health, which is a plus in its use. But there are drawbacks: they do not tolerate moisture well, with time the scuffs of the rings appear on the rod, the coating needs to be updated.
Wood curtains require regular maintenance, otherwise over time they will become a haven for tree parasites, to lose appearance. Install curtains just have no complicated structures and convenient fasteners.
Design features
Modern manufacturers offer many options for curtain rods with different mounts and designs. The choice depends on:
- interior style and decor;
- compositions of curtains (rows, pelmets);
- the shape and area of the window;
- room space;
- method of attachment to the eaves: hooks, clips, rings.
By type of attachment are divided into the following types.
This mount is used in rooms with low ceilings, when the curtain is hung, it seems that the room is higher, the effect of elongated space.
![Wooden ceiling moldings](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/derevyannye-potolochnye-karnizy-otlichayutsya-bolshoj-prochnostyu-dolgovechnostyu-i-variantami-dekorativnoj-otdelki-590x474.jpg)
Wooden ceiling cornices are of great strength, durability and options for decorative finishes
Wall mounted
Such type of eaves fastens on walls, it is easy just a lot of time does not take. Apply in rooms with high ceilings.
![Wall cornices](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/nastennye-karnizy-podojdut-dlya-vysokih-komnat-pri-nalichii-nekotorogo-rasstoyaniya-mezhdu-proyomom-okna-i-potolkom-590x427.jpg)
Wall cornices are suitable for high rooms, if there is some distance between the window opening and the ceiling
This design is a plastic profile or a string of strings, which is covered with a beautiful wooden plank.The surface is covered with carved elements, patterns and other components attracting attention. The purpose of this plank is to close the internal composition: strings, rings, folds of curtains, sometimes even wall irregularities.
![Framing decorative cornices](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/bagetnye-dekorativnye-karnizy-dekorativnye-planki-skryvayushchie-mekhanizm-krepleniya-shtor-i-konstrukcii-karniza-590x443.jpg)
Framing decorative cornices - decorative strips that hide the mechanism for fastening curtains and the design of the cornice
The designs of wooden eaves are distinguished by the number of rows.
Single row
The most simple and inexpensive, consist of one bar light for curtains. They are used in the kitchen or other premises where heavy heavy curtains are not needed.
![Single row cornices](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/odnoryadnye-karnizy-ehto-izdeliya-sostoyashchie-iz-odinochnoj-shtangi-prednaznachennoj-dlya-krepleniya-odnogo-komplekta-shtor-e1543334774935-590x369.jpg)
Single-row cornices are products consisting of a single rod intended for fastening one set of curtains
Double row
Such curtains are the most common, are used in any room, you can hang a thin tulle and thick curtains.
![Double row cornices](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dvuhryadnye-karnizy-prednaznacheny-dlya-sovmestnogo-ispolzovaniya-tyulya-i-porterov-590x383.jpg)
Double-row cornices are designed to share tulle and drapes
In order to create a multi-layer rich composition, three-row cornices are used, lambrequins are added to the tulle, curtains are added.
![Three-row designs](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/tryohryadnye-konstrukcii-imeyut-tri-shtangi-chto-pozvolyaet-ispolzovat-slozhnye-ansambli-s-prisutstviem-lambrekenov.jpg)
Three-row designs have three rods, which allows the use of complex ensembles with the presence of lambrequins.
Eaves have also various form:
- Round. Such are the most practical, the rings easily, gently, smoothly move along the bar. The interior seems more cozy and comfortable.
Round bar - the most common version of the cornice
- Rectangular in the form of strips. This design is less practical, it moves with some difficulty along the attachment bar, you can install the backlight, creating a romantic atmosphere.
The wooden cornice can also be in the form of a slat, the edges of the crossbar being decorated with square or rectangular tips
Attention! You can buy, fasten curtain rods yourself, but still, when choosing such an important accessory in room design, it is better to consult with experienced employees of specialized stores and companies.
Employees will help in choosing a product that is suitable for the design of the room, style, type of fabric, which fasteners are more suitable. Professionally installed curtains are safe and durable, no need to worry that at some point may fall.
Product length
It is selected individually. It depends on the type of room, the area, which style is chosen and the structure of the fabric.
For small rooms they use rather narrow and preferably light curtains, without carving, which will harmoniously fit into the interior. But in large rooms you can use a flight of fancy. In any case, when choosing, the length should be 40-50 cm wider than the window opening. If the window is large, in order to avoid sagging of the wooden eaves due to the weight and weight of the curtains, use additional fasteners, intermediate holders.
Wood Curtain Styles
Achievements of modern technologies allow the use of natural wood, creating from it products with different colors and shades, ranging from natural tones to black and white, in different styles apply their own color coloring.
In the style of eco and minimalism, beautiful shades of wood look beautiful, they are used in small low rooms.
Baroque style, Empire, classic - this is a lot of luxury wealth and made in dark colors, used in pompous, elite places.
Scandinavian does not have a specific color scheme, and depends on the design of the room, but preference is given to white tones.
Italian curtains of red wood shades, carved inserts for curtains, intricate patterns.
Important! Curtain rods with a sharp contrasting color to the curtains and finishing the room are not recommended, but a slight difference in shades is permissible.
Complete wooden curtains
Standard Kit:
- 1-3 rods;
- brackets;
- a set of parts for fastening curtains (hooks, rings, eyelets, clips;
- decorative tips, fleron.
Considering all the nuances when buying wooden products, the interior of the room will acquire a unique, individual design. At this could be to stop.
But wooden curtains for curtains can be made with their own hands.
Carved cornice at home
![Wooden cornice with birds](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/derevyanyj-karniz-volshebnye-pticy-schastya-svoimi-rukami-590x443.jpeg)
Wooden eaves "magic birds of happiness" do it yourself
Preparing a two-bar cornice with carved brackets in the shape of a bird:
- take a planed board with a length of 1.5 meters, the width depends on the stencil, thickness 2.5 - 3 mm;
We cut into pieces and glue together so that our carved cornice does not lead and twist
- applied stencil bracket on the board;
Pre-draw and cut out a cardboard template, translate it to a shield
- a thin drill marks the centers of the holes, which are part of the ornament; the thicker marks all the details intended for further processing with a jigsaw;
We start the thread itself: a semicircular chisel we cut the chamfers at all the holes and we cut the straight chisel with a chisel from the leaves, separating them
We chamfer the entire eaves with a wide semicircular chisel
- an ornament is cut out first along the inner contour of the product, then along the outside, so all the preparations are prepared;
Shape the leaves, cut the veins and teeth
- chisel fix irregularities, sand with sandpaper, final defects clean with a grinder;
For carved rope do zapily
Now cut the saws, removing too much with a wide chisel, we clean our wooden carved rope (we give it a full volume)
- there are two holes for the rods, one in the center of the bracket, the other on the neck of the bird.
The main contours of the eaves - carved leaves, rope
Making bird or animal figurines for decoration
We make the sides of several glued bars, so that they would not crack, crack, or bend.
To attach the product to the wall, the suspension is attached to the bracket, painted.
![Cut grapes](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/vyrezaem-grozdya-vinograda-i-derevyannye-shkanty-s-sharikami-na-koncah-590x443.jpeg)
Cut grapes and wooden dowels with balls at the ends
![We collect all the details](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/sobiraem-vse-detali-pokryvaem-bescvetnymi-ehkologicheski-chistymi-propitkami-na-osnove-voska-590x283.jpeg)
We collect all the details, cover with colorless environmentally friendly impregnations, on the basis of wax
![Eaves of wood in the interior](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/reznye-karnizy-iz-dereva-otlichno-smotryatsya-v-interere-zagorodnogo-doma-590x280.jpeg)
Carved eaves made of wood look great in the interior of a country house
- The board is taken, as for the bracket.
- it is sawn into square slats of 25x25 mm, edges are rounded on the milling table, a round base is obtained.
- the edges of the rod at a distance of 10 cm are reduced in diameter, equating to the size of the holes on the brackets, sanded and painted.
- Everything is varnished.
- Installation of the eaves, curtains are hung.
As you can see, it is possible to make wooden curtain rods at home, but this requires skills and tools. Therefore, it is easier to buy in the store.
Video: Carved cornice for curtains
Photo-collection of beautiful round and square, single row and double row wooden cornices:
![Saturated pink curtains of thick fabric in the living room](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/nasyshchennye-rozovye-shtory-iz-plotnoj-tkani-v-gostinuyu-205x170.jpg)