How to wash pads in a washing machine
Do not rush to make your bed right after waking up. Although so taught since childhood, but many simply do not know what life is going on bed linen. It is inhabited by dust mites that can lead to an allergic reaction, inflammation of the respiratory tract, asthma. Feather pads (or with other filler) also need to be cleaned. It accumulates a lot of microorganisms, going to the rest of the epidermis.
Good pillows contribute to healthy sleep and good rest, so it is important to choose a comfortable product and keep it clean.
Washing pillows is not as difficult as many people think. For a positive result (so that the filler does not go astray) you need to follow several rules. Then the bed will always be fresh, health will not be threatened.
So that the pillow does not become a hotbed of mold, dirt and dust mites, it must be periodically washed.
The first stage is to determine what the product consists of.
Washings will vary in ease of process depending on the contents inside. So, feather pillows are more difficult to handle than modern silicone ones. The first stage of the procedure is finding out the type of filler (natural, artificial).
Many housewives believe that it is not necessary to wash the pillows - just change pillow cases.
Housewives often do not understand how to wash feather or padding cushions. But in fact, you will only need your own strength or a properly set mode in the washing machine.
Washing is not shown to all products.
Feathers are not prohibited to wash in the car. It should be clearly understood the properties of this material. In the automatic mode processing, both natural, and artificial contents is allowed. And it is necessary after the first 6 months after use in a continuous pace. Ordinary drying under the sun will not give the desired result.
Pillows are allowed to erase, if the labels do not contain prohibitive icons.
There are several exceptions: the orthopedic type or analogues from organic materials are not recommended to be processed in an automatic typewriter.
Washing in a typewriter will save time and effort, make it easier to rinse out residual detergent, speed up the drying process.
Preparatory stage
When it became clear whether it is possible to wash the pillows, you should proceed to their preparation. It is aimed at obtaining the expected result. Pooh, feather need extra case. If you do not want to buy it specifically for this work, then you should take an unnecessary pillowcase and shove the product into it (the free edge is fixed with threads so that the contents do not crawl out).
Before washing, dust should be carefully removed from the pillow.
If possible, it is better to divide the filler into several parts equal to each other. Each of them laid out in the bags, and then lay in the washing machine. It is necessary to pour it with care, the down can scatter around the room, and it is difficult to collect it. At the end of the wash, all parts are combined. This approach will help to better process and dry the raw materials.
When choosing a detergent should be preferred gel.
Wash pillows, though the main process, but in front of it, the dust from the product is sure to get out. Of course, you can put dirty material into the washing machine, but then the dust will not go anywhere, and stains will appear on the case (removing them takes a lot of time, effort, and sometimes it’s not at all realistic).
It is necessary to choose a tool without a whitening effect, otherwise there may be stains on the case.
Hands or in the car machine
When filling the organic type is allowed to wash the pillow in the washing machine. But organic matter does not have a long service life, so everyone should independently decide how expedient it is to clean old raw materials, if it is possible to purchase a new product.
You can contact the professional service, where the pen is thoroughly processed.
Here is the sequence of how to wash the pads in the washing machine correctly.
- Native pillowcase open to get insides.
- Pooh put in different bags (about 3-5 parts).
- The water temperature is a maximum of thirty degrees (organic matter is erased in cold water, as hot liquid has a negative effect on it).
- Mode selection. Each device has its own designation, so you should choose a delicate, for example, manual or swan's-down mode.
- It may seem better to take the maximum number of revolutions for spinning, but this is not the case. Here you need a slow drying, so four hundred turns are suitable. Sometimes it is not to use this feature at all.
The choice of washing and spinning modes will depend on the product filler.
An important criterion is the choice of detergent. All the usual powder is not suitable for this purpose. On the shelves of stores you can find a special composition, the purpose of which is to clean down, feathers. If this could not be found, then the gel, liquid powder or detergent composition with ammonia no more than three percent is taken (approximate calculation: you should take a cap of soap and four teaspoons of ammonia for five liters).
If you wash it incorrectly, instead of a neat "fluffy" pillow, you can get the opposite result.
If necessary, wash the product with your hands. Pooh in such a purification, on the contrary, will look better, because of the impossibility of losing up in a ball. A few basic rules when choosing manual processing.
- Water is taken at room temperature (not hotter than thirty degrees).
- The choice of capacity - the best solution would be a bathroom. The filler is poured into it after the pillowcase is thrown.
- Soaking is valid for three to four hours. Do not do this longer.
- After a specified period of time begins removing the contents from the bathroom. Do it better with a colander.
- Giving feathers, they are packaged in separate bags.
- The resulting number of bags hang on the street, where they will begin to dry.
With this method, not only feather pillows are processed, but also anti-stress option or bamboo filler.
Feathers are removed from the pillow and washed separately.
Washing the holofiber passes by hand. It is better to take a gel-like detergent, add it to a slightly warm liquid, soak a pillow in this composition (not longer than one hundred and twenty minutes). Wring out without force, light movements. After once again rinse in clean, barely warm water. Only now is the posting period for drying.
To do it better on the street, the main thing is not to expose to direct sunlight.
The synthetic versions of the product are cleaned in the same way as hollofiber.
Bamboo bedding is not processed in a hot liquid (about thirty degrees). As a detergent suitable ordinary laundry soap. All highly foaming agents are not suitable for high-quality processing. At the end, the pillow rinses in room temperature liquid.
For drying it is better to put the item on a horizontal surface.
Period of use and washing
Depending on the material produced, the products are given an approximate number of times for processing. Here are all kinds of possible filler and its dependence on washing.
- Synthetics - constant washing minimizes the service life, so it’s best to replace with a new product.
- Feather or fluff - processing is not more than four times in twelve months, but there should be two processes minimum.
- Bamboo - is durable, tolerates more than six washes per year. Ticks do not like such products.
- Antistress - recommend cleaning more than five times in twelve months.
Synthetic filler made of polyester and holofiber must be washed at least 3-4 times a year.
Now that the washing process is itemized, you should understand the proper drying.
The final stage - drying the contents
It became clear whether it was possible to wash a pillow from a feather, bamboo or organic. Time to proceed to the drying of fillers, which will not lead to negative consequences.
Experts do not recommend using a washing machine or a special dryer.
Basic tips for this stage.
- The process is faster on the street.
- When drying inside the room there must be good ventilation (artificial, natural).
- In order to speed up the process, many are trying to use the additional heat, this should not be done.
- Laying the bags on the open sun or under the outdoor heat source is prohibited. Such intensity spoils the filler.
- During drying, it is necessary to constantly turn the bags.
The procedure is best done outdoors or indoors with good natural or artificial ventilation.
Not everyone wants to suffer with the last stage, so they put a great importance on the spin. Such an approach will not lead to anything except to the acquisition of a new product, since the old analogue will be completely brought down in one layer, which will not be broken.
Pillows are best dried in the open air.
To reinsure such a result, tennis balls (2-3 pieces) are put inside the drum before washing. They will beat the feathers, so it is impossible to stray into one mass.
It will be useful to send a few tennis balls to the washing machine drum. They will not allow the filler to stray.
Latex pillows
This version of the product is suitable only for manual cleaning. In this case, the total should be the minimum amount, and the temperature should be from thirty to forty degrees Celsius. Rinse required in a little warm, cool water. Spin - wrapped with a towel. It will absorb excess moisture.
Brute force will only damage integrity.
Latex is a fragile material, it should not often be subjected to wet processing. If possible, the surface can be cleaned with steam. This is an alternative to the usual washing.
Steaming will kill all harmful bacteria, make bedding more fresh.
To implement it you will need to perform such actions.
- The pillow should hang upright.
- Primary steam treatment.
- Repeated.
- Leave to dry.
- After complete drying, bedding is whipped.
- Extra pillow case is worn at the end.
Such products can be washed 5-7 times a year, but very carefully.
Care Tips
It became clear whether it is possible to wash pillows manually or in an automatic typewriter. But to extend the operation is to properly monitor the pillows.
It is important to completely dry the pillows, otherwise in the future their “insides” will begin to sing, emitting an unpleasant smell.
There are some helpful tips to help with the care.
- Beat regularly.
- Constantly clean.
- Do not allow pets.
- When dents, unpleasant smell try to restore, buy a new one.
If you properly wash and dry the pillow, it will look like a new one, and it will be a pleasure to sleep on it.
Regular care for bedding is a guarantee of health and good sleep.
VIDEO: How to wash and clean the pillows.
VIDEO: How to effectively wipe the pillow.