![Latex mattresses adapt to sleeping person](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/takie-matrasy-idealno-adaptiruyutsya-k-figure-spyashchego-cheloveka-205x170.jpg)
Anti-decubitus mattresses have their pros and cons and how to choose the best
Anti-decubitus mattresses are intended for the equipment of beds of bed patients. The special structure and specially selected materials allow to reduce the pressure on the patient's body, to improve the blood supply in the tissues that take the greatest load. Thus it is possible to avoid the occurrence of bedsores and other complications of bed rest.
![To avoid bedsores recommend using a special mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/chtoby-izbezhat-prolezhnej-izmenenij-tkanej-vyzvannyh-sistematicheskim-davleniem-specialisty-rekomenduyut-ispolzovat-protivoprolezhnevyj-matras-590x381.jpg)
To avoid pressure sores - tissue changes caused by systematic pressure, experts recommend the use of an anti-decubitus mattress.
The problem for buyers is the fact that the market has a fairly wide range of products of this kind. Therefore, to acquire the most suitable product, you will need some knowledge.
A feature of anti-decubitus mattresses is a sectional structure. Each section is individually filled with air. This does not happen at the same time the number and location of pumped cells is constantly changing. This principle of action prevents stagnation of blood in the tissues and reduces the pressure on the points at which the patient's body touches the bed.
![The use of special mattresses](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/pri-primenenii-protivoprolezhnevyh-matrasov-lezhachij-bolnoj-prakticheski-ne-ispytyvaet-diskomfort-prolezhni-ne-obrazuyutsya-590x267.png)
When using anti-decubitus mattresses, the recumbent patient has practically no discomfort, no bedsores are formed.
This kind of preventive equipment can be used both at home and in a hospital ward. Given the serious consequences of developing pressure sores, the prevention of their occurrence is given great attention when working with bedridden patients.
![High risk areas](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/zony-riska-pri-lezhanii-e1542456030705.jpg)
High-risk areas for the formation of bedsores in bedridden patients
Existing species
Regarding the types of anti-decubitus mattresses, the classification is carried out according to the types of materials used, the structure and technique of exposure to the patient's body.
![Anti-decubitus mattresses remove muscle discomfort](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/protivoprolezhnevye-matrasy-ubirayut-diskomfort-v-myshcah-i-ne-privodyat-k-narusheniyu-krovoobrashcheniya-i-toka-limfy-590x401.jpg)
Anti-decubitus mattresses remove muscle discomfort and do not lead to impaired blood circulation and lymph flow
Operating principle
![Operating principle](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/princip-dejstviya-protivoprolezhnevogo-matrasa-590x191.jpg)
The principle of the anti-decubitus mattress
The type of static products include the so-called orthopedic structures. This type refers to the "memory". Its structure is a continuous layer of special material that clearly repeats all the anatomical features of the patient's body. At the same time, the material “remembers” the position of the patient and distributes the weight in such a way as to minimize the pressure on the tissues of the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of pressure sores. Recommended for active patients who can move independently but spend a lot of time in bed.
![Mattresses with foam filler](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dlya-bolnyh-kotorye-ne-polnostyu-obezdvizheny-rekomenduyutsya-protivoprolezhnevye-matrasy-s-napolnitelem-iz-porolona-590x299.jpg)
For patients who are not completely immobilized, anti-decubitus mattresses with foam filler are recommended.
The surface of the dynamic type of product is constantly movable. In addition to maintaining the patient's body in the correct position, a tissue massage is performed, which improves blood circulation.It is an anti-decubitus mattress with a compressor. Thanks to the device that is able to regulate pressure in the sections, in addition to the main functions for the prevention of pressure sores (repetition of the anatomical shape and massage effect), it turns out to slightly change the position of the patient without using physical force. Comfortably to the patient and carer. It is intended for inactive people who need help to perform any action.
Complete set of dynamic anti-decubitus mattress
The structure of static structures from bedsores is simple: the filling material and the cover.
![Types of static mattresses](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/vidy-statichnyh-protivoprolezhnevyh-matrasov-590x202.jpg)
Types of static anti-decubitus mattresses
Speaking of the dynamic type (with compressor), we can distinguish the following types:
- tubular;
- honeycomb mattress.
![Types of dynamic mattresses](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/vidy-dinamichnyh-protivoprolezhnevyh-matrasov-590x288.jpg)
Types of dynamic anti-decubitus mattresses
Anti-decubitus product tubular structure consists of several elastic cylinders filled with air. In most cases, the sections are not interconnected. This is convenient in the case of repair - you can replace only one element. The volume and force of inflation of each tube are regulated by means of a compressor, depending on the needs of the patient and the degree of development of the existing bedsores.
![Baltimore Anti-decubitus Mattresses](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/protivoprolezhnevye-matrasy-ballonnogo-vida-rekomenduyutsya-dlya-pacientov-chej-ves-prevyshaet-100-kg-590x387.jpg)
Balloon-type anti-decubitus mattresses are recommended for patients whose weight exceeds 100 kg.
Cellular type anti-decubitus equipment, as a rule, is solid. Made of elastic material, divided into small sections (cells, honeycombs) alternately pumped with air. Sections are part of one system, which makes it impossible to replace one element in case of damage.
![Honeycomb Mattresses](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/yacheistye-matrasy-poluchili-svoe-nazvanie-blagodarya-neobychnoj-strukture-oni-predstavlyayut-soboj-edinyj-blok-sobrannyj-iz-vozdushnyh-pohozhih-na-soty-yacheek-590x381.jpg)
Cellular mattresses are a single unit, assembled from air, honeycomb-like cells, each connected to a common control panel that controls the operation of the compressor.
![Honeycomb anti-decubitus mattresses without compressors](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/yacheistye-protivoprolezhnevye-matrasy-mogut-byt-i-bez-kompressorov-togda-v-nih-ispolzuetsya-ne-nagnetaemyj-vozduh-a-gel-590x299.jpg)
Cellular antidecubital mattresses can be without compressors, then they do not use forced air, but gel
The main material for a static anti-decubitus mattress is often used polyurethane foam. His qualities are best suited to the requirements of patient care with bedsores.
The sheath material of dynamic structures (with a compressor) is rubberized fabric, nylon or polyurethane. The main requirement for them is waterproof, durability and elasticity. The filler is mainly air. However, there are varieties that are filled with gel. The preventive effect is obtained due to the movement of the fluid inside the sections in three directions (back and forth, right-left, up-down).
Proper operation
Requirements for compliance with the rules of operation mainly relate to dynamic anti-decubitus mattresses. In the case of a static variety, the principle of use is as simple as possible: put on a bed, check the size for fit, cover with linen. In the same, as for products with the compressor, it is important to consider several moments:
- fits over the usual mattress;
- tubes for inflation of air should be located in the legs of the patient;
- Each of the supply hoses must be straight, without twisting and tangling with the others;
- cover the laundry and tuck in the edges (no pinning or pinning to prevent damage to the material!);
- set the compressor so that it does not interfere with the passage at the bedside;
- the pump turns on in the socket only after the patient is put to bed;
- when regulating the pressure in the cells (tubes), a test is carried out - between the usual mattress at the base and the dynamic type of product on top of the palm of an adult should move without effort.
![Anti-decubitus mattress fits on top](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/lyuboj-protivoprolezhnevyj-matras-ukladyvaetsya-poverh-obychnogo-i-vklyuchaetsya-posle-togo-kak-pacienta-ulozhili-v-postel-590x483.jpg)
Any anti-decubitus mattress is placed on top of the usual one and turned on after the patient has been put to bed.
Care requirements
Proper care of the anti-decubitus mattress ensures the prevention of irritation and rashes on the patient's skin, as well as helps prevent the development of diseases due to accumulated dust. The purification procedure involves:
- moving the patient to another location;
- release of bed from linen;
- processing the surface of the product with a damp cloth in the inflated condition and only after turning off the compressor from the outlet;
- It is possible to add hypoallergenic agents (exclude abrasives!);
- wiping the surface with a clean cloth and finishing the drying naturally in a place devoid of sunlight.
If the use of the equipment from bedsores is complete, the inflation tubes are neatly folded and packaged with the compressor. The mattress is deflated and rolled up. Keep better in a dark, dry room.
Possible disadvantages
![Cons of Matars](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/minusy-ispolzovaniya-svojstvenny-kazhdoj-konkretnoj-modeli-slishkom-vysokaya-stoimost-bolshoj-ves-matrasa-shumnost-pribora-vozduhonepronicaemost-materiala-specificheskij-zapah.jpg)
Cons of use are peculiar to each specific model - too high cost, large weight of the mattress, noise level of the device, airtightness of the material, specific smell
For all the benefits described, specialized anti-decubitus mattresses have minor drawbacks. These include:
- lack of therapeutic effect - if the bedsores are already formed, the use of the mattress will not eliminate them;
- in dynamic models, constant operation of the compressor is necessary, which leads to significant energy consumption;
- even the buzz of a new compressor is quite loud and can interfere with the patient;
- there are restrictions on the weight of the patient (cellular);
- not suitable for some types of injury (unstable spinal cord injury, neck or spinal traction).
In addition, all products from bedsores are made of artificial materials, which can lead to increased perspiration and discomfort. The mattresses, equipped with a blowing system, have a higher price (from 10,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles).
Nuances when choosing
Intending to buy an anti-decubitus mattress, you should consider a few important points that can affect the result. Namely:
- patient weight - restriction in the use of cellular type of mattresses is 120 kg, tubular - 150 kg;
- the dimensions of the mattress should correspond to the parameters of the patient and the size of the bed on which he will be most of the time - it is very important that the product does not roll down and hang down;
The size of the anti-decubitus mattress should be 10–15 cm longer than the patient, as the body height increases
- the principle of work (static or with a compressor) - is selected on the basis of the patient's condition and the type of his injury;
- the presence of an airflow system outside the product — the smallest laser orifices that allow air to flow out without affecting the integrity of the sections — improves air circulation around the patient's body, which greatly alleviates the condition;
- the volume of the compressor - it is important to choose the most quiet device that will not disturb;
When buying a product, you must make sure that the device is not too noisy, a high (more than 5–10 dB) noise level will prevent the patient from falling asleep
- type of materials - when choosing, it is necessary to evaluate the composition of the anti-decubitus mattress and what smell comes from it, if rubber is felt, it is better to choose another product;
- country of production - Asian factories produce decent products at affordable prices for the average consumer, Europe will cost several times more expensive.
![Armed brand polyurethane foam mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/protivoprolezhnevyj-matras-iz-penopoliuretana-marki-armed-predstavlyaet-soboj-izdelie-iz-chetyrekh-formoobrazuyushchih-sekcij.jpg)
The anti-decubitus mattress from polyurethane foam of the Armed brand is a product of four shaping sections
![Domestic mattress Ortoforma](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/odnim-iz-luchshih-priznan-otechestvennyj-matras-ortoforma-prednaznachennyj-dlya-preduprezhdeniya-i-lecheniya-prolezhnej.jpg)
One of the best recognized domestic mattress "Orthoform", intended for the prevention and treatment of pressure sores
![Antidecubital system Trives](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/protivoprolezhnevaya-sistema-trives-vklyuchaet-yacheistyj-matras-i-kompressor.jpg)
Anti-decubitus system "Trives" includes cellular mattress and compressor
![Gilberd Rehab Mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/unnamed-file.jpg)
Rehabilitation mattress "Gilberd" helps relieve pain, providing patients with comfort during prolonged bed rest due to serious lesions of the musculoskeletal system
Among the companies represented on the market, there are several leaders whose products have not only quality confirmed by certificates, but also received positive feedback from consumers.
Title | A country | Type of | Material | Benefits |
Armed | China | Static | Polyurethane foam | The model is divided into 4 sections. Packed in a waterproof case. Suppresses pain syndromes. Budget price. |
Ortoform | Russia | Dynamic (Honeycomb Mattress) | Polyvinyl chloride | Recommended for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, burns. Massage effect, reducing pain and eliminating discomfort. Silent operation of the compressor, which regulates the pressure level. |
Trives | Russia | Dynamic (cellular) | Polyvinyl chloride | The model has a flap to better secure the product on the base. Fits maximum weight 150kg. Blowing system. |
Hilbert | Germany | Static | Viscoelastic polyurethane | Perforation of the surface - improved air circulation. The model is not crumpled, does not form folds. "Memorizes" the features of the patient's body. |
Novea | Russia | Static | Heat sensitive polyurethane
Polyester Case |
Forming pillows with air circulation. Elimination of pain. Suitable for people undergoing treatment for injuries, burns and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. |
Titan comfort | Germany | Dynamic (cellular) | Polyvinyl chloride | The material of the model is hypoallergenic. Silent compressor to maintain pressure. Effective prevention of bedsores due to changes in the points of support of the body on the anti-decubitus mattress. |
Bronigen | Germany | Dynamic (tubular) | Nylon, polyurethane | The model consists of 17 independent cylinders. Silent compressor that individually regulates the pressure in each cylinder. The maximum patient weight is up to 140kg. The system of air circulation in the central tubes. In a set the cover preventing moisture penetration. |
Medi-Tech | USA | Dynamic (tubular) | Polyvinyl chloride | The best ratio of quality indicators and market price. 17-cylinder system with a silent compressor, which individually regulates the pressure in each section. High-quality airflow to the patient's body due to laser perforation of the material. |
Mega-Optim | Russia | Dynamic (tubular) | Polyurethane plus non-slip case | Inexpensive model. The shift in pressure in the tubes in shifts leads to an improvement in blood flow. It turns out to be a massage effect that prevents blood stagnation and the formation of pressure sores. |
![Mattress domestic brand Novea](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/matras-otechestvennoj-marki-novea-rekomendovan-ehkspertami-v-kachestve-profilakticheskoj-mery-protiv-prolezhnej-obrazuyushchihsya-pri-zabolevaniyah-pozvonochnika.jpg)
The mattress of the domestic brand "Novea" recommended by experts as a preventive measure against bedsores, which are formed in diseases of the spine
![German brand anti-decubitus mattress Titan](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/nemeckij-brend-protivoprolezhnevyh-matrasov-titan-predlagaet-dlya-lezhachih-bolnyh-optimalnuyu-model-otvechayushchuyu-osnovnym-kriteriyam.jpg)
The German brand of anti-decubitus mattresses “Titan” offers the optimal model for bed patients that meets the main criteria
![Mattress brand Bronigen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/matras-marki-bronigen-iz-17-nezavisimyh-trub-obtyanutyh-nejlonom-i-poliuretanom.jpg)
The mattress of the brand "Bronigen" of 17 independent pipes covered with nylon and polyurethane
![Balcony mattress of the American brand Medtech](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ballonnyj-matras-amerikanskoj-marki-meditek-obladaet-funkcionalnostyu-i-vysokoj-ehffektivnostyu-v-voprose-zazhivleniya-i-preduprezhdeniya-zastojnyh-yavlenij.jpg)
Balloon mattress of the American brand "Medtek" has the functionality and high efficiency in the issue of healing and prevention of stagnation
![Model brand Maga-Optim](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/model-brenda-maga-optim-s-vozmozhnostyu-izmeneniya-davleniya-sootvetstvuet-vsem-aspektam-predyavlyaemym-lezhachimi-bolnymi-k-kachestvu-i-komfortu.jpg)
The model of the brand "Maga-Optim" with the ability to change the pressure corresponds to all aspects of bed patients to the quality and comfort
Customer Reviews
One of the best evidence of the quality of the selected product is the feedback from real people. You can familiarize yourself with the experience of other users on large Internet sites that specialize in selling anti-decubitus mattresses and other equipment. You can also ask a question in the relevant topic of medical forums.
Speaking about the models of the considered trademarks, it can be noted that consumer reviews are mostly positive.Most buyers, choosing a comfortable price (from 5,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles), purchase the product that most meets their stated requirements. Everyone notes a positive effect from the use and a significant relief in the procedure for caring for a bed patient.
The negative from people is most often associated with an incorrectly sized, model or type of product. Also, many buyers have noted the importance of purchasing a mattress from the official representative of the manufacturer. Otherwise, there is a danger to buy a low-quality fake.
Anti-decubitus mattresses can be used for various diseases and injuries. The first thing to do, intending to buy such equipment, is to consult with your doctor. The specialist will give recommendations on what type of mattress is best to apply in the case of a particular patient, based on his medical history and individual condition.
After consulting a doctor, you can search for the right product. You should not hurry. It is better to choose a proven seller who provides a guarantee of quality and the possibility of returning the product if his work does not suit the buyer.
It should be remembered that even a high-quality anti-decubitus mattress of hypoallergenic materials, belonging to the category of expensive products, does not exclude the need for constant care and physiotherapy. This is especially true for patients who already have bedsores of mild and moderate degree.
Video: How to choose the right anti-decubitus system, tips from the online store Health House
![Latex mattresses adapt to sleeping person](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/takie-matrasy-idealno-adaptiruyutsya-k-figure-spyashchego-cheloveka-205x170.jpg)
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![Waterproof mattress covers](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/byvayut-eshche-vodonepronicaemye-namatrasniki-dlya-zashchity-ot-promokaniya-spalnogo-mesta-chto-osobenno-vazhno-detyam-205x170.jpg)
![Mattress on the basis of the spring block](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/matrasy-na-osnove-pruzhinnogo-bloka-bonnel-otlichayutsya-dlitelnym-srokom-sluzhby-horosho-ventiliruyutsya-i-bystro-vysyhayut-pri-namokanii-205x170.jpg)