![Mattress on the basis of the spring block](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/matrasy-na-osnove-pruzhinnogo-bloka-bonnel-otlichayutsya-dlitelnym-srokom-sluzhby-horosho-ventiliruyutsya-i-bystro-vysyhayut-pri-namokanii-205x170.jpg)
How to inflate an air mattress without a pump?
Many have an air mattress. In the house - with ease replaces the sofa, on rest - a means of transportation on water.
Inflatable upholstered furniture, especially mattresses, is in steady demand.
Practicality, modest dimensions and ease of operation are its main advantages.
Air mattress is a multipurpose item.
How to inflate a mattress without a pump
It turns out that in order to prepare the mattress for use at home, it is not necessary to have special equipment.
Not always in the complete set of the mattress provides for the presence of a built-in pump.
Having the usual everyday household appliances, you can easily cope with this task.
We use a vacuum cleaner
This home appliance with reverse function can easily replace the pump.
If there is no pump, you can inflate the mattress with a vacuum cleaner.
A special nozzle with a thin diameter should be attached to the valve and turned on.
This method is longer than inflating a built-in or conventional pump, but also effective.
Of course, there will be no perfect coincidence of values, and yet, even if some of the air is gone, it is quite realistic to pump up the product.
It is necessary to closely monitor the process of inflation.
Checked on the example of the mattress Inteks.
Healthy sleep, comfortable rest you get if you inflate the sleeping mattress by about 80-85%.
Note! If the valve does not provide protection against deflating, it is recommended to close it quickly after the household appliance is turned off.
With a hair dryer
Hair dryer is in every home.
The main thing is to hairdryer to fit the air mattress valve.
Concurrently, it can also be used as a pump. Connect the dryer and the valve is recommended with scotch tape.
Do not inflate the product with hot air, which can damage the product.
Do not forget to put the hairdryer in the cold air mode, otherwise you risk damaging the product.
This method is effective, but takes some time.
It will take some time to inflate the mattress in this way using a hairdryer, however, in the absence of a pump, this is a suitable option.
Inflated mattress requires periodic pumping up.
Large trash bag
Someone may take this idea with a certain degree of skepticism, and in vain. As they say, bezrybe and cancer fish, that is, a garbage bag as a pump will do.
This method of inflation is very convenient in nature, in the country or in cases where you accidentally forgotten the usual sediment at home.
The scheme of action is simple: a large and dense garbage bag (after making sure that there is no damage), fill it with air and close it. Open the valve, connect with the package and fix the junction. Then release the contents of the package into the product.
The process of inflation is not fast, but true.
It is difficult for a person to conduct such a procedure, but it is possible
The person lies on the bag and distills the air mass into the product.
Security measures
It is worth noting that this is not the most extreme ways to inflate anything. Someone is using the exhaust pipe of a car.However, this method significantly reduces the lifetime. Since the exhaust fumes corrode material from the inside. So it is better to choose a more time-consuming method, but to get a guaranteed result.
The disadvantages of this method are that the exhaust gases and carcinogens destroy the product from the inside and seeping to the surface are harmful to health.
Important! With any method of inflation, the product must be filled no more than 85%.
Inflation is carried out until the mattress is embossed.
And if the mattress is used as a bed and 2 people will sleep on it, then it will be inflated with volume.
From time to time the air pressure is checked, if several people are sleeping or lying on it, then perhaps the mattress should be “lowered” a little.
After the bed has been filled with air, it should be kept on level ground without sharp objects. It is better if the animals (cats, dogs) will not have access to it.
It is not recommended to stand on the surface with two feet or on the knee.
How to blow a bed
To quickly blow away an air mattress, you will need to adhere to a whole set of requirements.
To start the product carefully wipe, if necessary, use a soap solution. Then it is allowed to dry.
After cleaning, just open all the valves in a special position, and the air begins to flow out (in the Intex mattresses, the valve is transferred to such a mode quite simply).
Special attention is paid to the valves on the mattress through which the air is released.
At this time, you do not need to click on the product or otherwise deform it in anticipation of an early result. So risk damaging it.
It is enough to unscrew the cap, after which the mattress itself is blown away as quickly as possible.
You can also use the pump by setting it to release mode.
Only special models with low pressure are used, because in this case, perfect air removal is ensured without damaging the elastic structure.
In extreme cases, the product must be spread out on a flat surface, without dangerous sharp objects, and begin to gently roll.
The surface should be as flat as possible, because this will make it possible to exclude even a slight retention of air in the product.
If necessary, the roll can be carried out several times.
Each air mattress before inspecting is carefully inspected for damage and stuck objects.
Obviously, an air mattress can be inflated with air and blown away without a pump.
To air mattress served you for a long time, properly inflate and blow it.
A simple operating tips will allow to use it for a long time.
VIDEO: How easy it is to inflate the mattress without a pump.
VIDEO: Various ways to inflate the mattress without a pump.
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