![The differences of modern models](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/chtoby-pravilno-vybrat-matras-dlya-krovati-neobhodimo-znat-preimushchestva-i-nedostatki-sovremennyh-modelej-205x170.jpg)
Springless latex mattresses: advantages, features of choice
In furniture stores a lot of models of mattresses, differing in their structure, size, filling, price. When choosing this product, you must be very scrupulous. The product will be responsible for the quality of sleep, is selected for a long period of time. In many mattresses, instead of the standard spring block, artificial, natural latex has become increasingly used. By its properties, it is no worse than natural coconut coir. If the choice fell on the latex filler, before buying it is important to familiarize yourself with its features, strengths, weaknesses. These issues are discussed in detail in this article.
![Latex mattresses](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/lateksnye-matrasy-otnosyatsya-k-premium-klassu-otlichayutsya-vysokoj-cenoj-no-obladayut-otlichnymi-ortopedicheskimi-harakteristikami-i-vysokim-kachestvom-590x399.jpg)
Latex mattresses are premium class, have a high price, but have excellent orthopedic characteristics and high quality.
Types, features of latex mattresses
![Criteria for choosing a mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/esli-vy-zadumyvaetes-nad-tem-chtoby-kupit-lateksnyj-matras-ocenivajte-dostupnye-modeli-po-raznym-kriteriyam.jpg)
If you are thinking about buying a latex mattress, evaluate the available models according to different criteria.
Today, two types of latex mattresses are made. Their main features can be seen in the table.
View | Production features |
Made from monolithic block | The average height of such a product is eighteen centimeters. Often they are divided into different zones of rigidity. The toughest zones are placed in places with the greatest load. |
Consisting of separate thin layers | This is a cheaper production technology. Such springless mattresses consist of several layers interconnected by glue. The rigidity of the products is usually small - medium, below average. For this reason, they are not suitable for full people. |
![Mattress scheme](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/skhema-matrasa-iz-naturalnogo-lateksa-e1542028158897.jpg)
Natural latex mattress scheme
Choosing a latex mattress
![Natural latex mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/naturalnyj-lateksnyj-matras-veshch-dorogaya-no-ona-stoit-potrachennyh-deneg-590x303.jpg)
Natural latex mattress is an expensive thing, but it is worth the money spent
When buying a springless mattress you need to take into account several nuances.
- Latex sleeping surface can be soft, elastic, hard. The level of rigidity must be chosen based on the weight, physiological characteristics of the person who will sleep on the bed. Soft suitable for older people, elastic - for middle-aged people with sedentary work, hard - for children, people with a weight of more than one hundred kilograms.
- The size of the product must exactly match the inner perimeter of the bed. Only small discrepancies are allowed - one centimeter. When the difference is greater, the base will fidget along the lamellae, it will quickly wear out.
- Cover products must be tight, attractive in appearance. Perfect fit case of jacquard. This fabric is durable, has a nice design. If possible, buy a model with a removable cover. Then it can be washed as it gets dirty. If the cover is not removable, you can additionally buy a mattress topper. He will protect the bed from stains.
- Latex mattresses can be from natural, artificial, combined raw materials. To make a choice, you need to consider in detail the advantages of each option.
![Sleeping on a mattress is good.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/spat-na-takom-matrase-polezno-kak-vzroslym-tak-i-detyam-590x443.jpg)
Sleeping on this mattress is useful for both adults and children.
With artificial, natural latex
![Natural latex](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/naturalnyj-llteks-yavlyaetsya-materialom-kotoryj-sozdan-na-osnove-soka-dereva-geveya-v-narode-ego-nazyvayut-kauchukovoe-derevo.jpg)
Natural latex is a material that is created on the basis of the sap of the Hevea tree, popularly referred to as "rubber tree"
The benefits of natural latex are obvious. Such raw materials are in many ways similar to coconut coir. It is completely eco-friendly, breathable, elastic. Natural latex is quite simple to manufacture, so it is highly valued by manufacturers.
![Natural latex has a hint of heavy cream.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/naturalnyj-lateks-imeet-priyatnyj-ottenok-zhirnyh-slivok-s-legkim-serovatym-otlivom-i-otlichaetsya-legkim-slegka-sladkovatym-zapahom-590x347.jpg)
Natural latex has a pleasant shade of heavy cream with a slight grayish tint and a light, slightly sweetish smell.
![Artificial latex](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/iskusstvennyj-lateks-vysokoehlastichnyj-vid-penopoliuretana-priblizhennyj-po-svojstvam-k-naturalnomu-lateksu-imeet-legkij-himicheskij-zapah-590x443.jpg)
Artificial latex - highly elastic type of polyurethane foam, close in properties to natural latex, has a yellow-gray shade and a slight chemical smell
The life of a natural latex mattress is quite long. With proper care, the correct technology of production of such a product can last more than ten years. It is pleasant to sleep on a natural latex mattress, but its cost is too high for some consumers.
![There are multi-layered models.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/sushchestvuyut-mnogoslojnye-modeli-konstrukciya-kotoryh-pozvolyaet-menyat-proslojki-mestami-podstraivaya-pod-svoe-telo-e1542029494918-590x290.jpg)
There are multi-layered models, the design of which allows the layers to be interchanged, adjusting to their body.
To save money, you need to choose between springless mattresses from artificial materials. In addition to affordable prices, they have a number of advantages. Artificial material can withstand heavy loads, perfectly breathable, it feels very close to natural latex.
![Synthetic latex](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/sinteticheskij-material-ili-pena-proizvoditsya-himicheskim-putem-to-est-ruchnoj-trud-po-sborke-i-transportirovki-prirodnogo-syrya-ne-ispolzuetsya-590x325.jpg)
Synthetic material or foam is produced by chemical means, that is, manual labor for the assembly and transportation of natural raw materials is not used.
The combination of artificial, natural latex - the best choice
![Pure latex](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/chistym-lateksom-schitaetsya-material-soderzhashchij-85-kauchuka-e1542027486649.jpg)
Pure latex is a material containing 85% rubber.
If you can not choose one option, you can pay attention to the mattresses from a combination of latex. They combine the best properties of artificial, natural raw materials.
![Special markings help determine naturalness.](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/sootvetstvuyushchaya-markirovka-pozvolit-ne-znayushchemu-cheloveku-ne-pereputat-naturalnuyu-sostavlyayushchuyu-s-sinteticheskoj-590x380.jpg)
Appropriate labeling will allow a person who does not know not to confuse the natural component with synthetic
Two types of filler are combined in different versions. The use of layers of different heights allows the manufacturer to adjust the degree of rigidity.
![Example of combining two types of latex](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/primer-sovmeshcheniya-lateksa-obrabotannogo-dvumya-raznymi-sposobami-590x433.jpg)
An example of combining latex treated in two different ways
![Spring model](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/pruzhinnaya-model-matrasa-s-dobavleniem-proslojki-iz-lateksa-590x303.jpg)
Spring mattress model with the addition of a layer of latex
Combined springless surfaces have many advantages.
- Well supported body during sleep. The material evenly distributes the load, allows the spine to take a natural position.
Density latex mattresses with memory effect ranges from 34 to 95 kg / cu. m
- Are safe for allergy sufferers. Material only in exceptional cases can cause a negative reaction.
Latex mattresses are easy to clean and are not afraid of water, but I need protection from sunlight.
- Have an affordable price. Products are cheaper than analogues of natural latex, coconut coir.
![Mixed type filler](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/napolnitel-smeshannogo-tipa-iz-iskusstvennogo-i-naturalnogo-lateksa-590x417.jpg)
Filler of the mixed type of artificial and natural latex
Top 5 reasons for the popularity of latex mattresses
![Eco-friendly and safe latex mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/odnim-iz-samyh-glavnyh-preimushchestv-lateksa-yavlyaetsya-ego-ehkologichnost-i-polnocennaya-bezopasnost-dlya-chelovecheskogo-zdorovya.jpg)
One of the most important advantages of latex is its environmental friendliness and full safety for human health.
- High level of comfort. A bed with such a base reduces, in some cases, prevents the appearance of pain in the back, joints. The material perfectly distributes the load, helps to unload the muscles of a person after an exhausting day at work.
All latex mattresses have different stiffness, which makes it possible to choose the best option for each specific user.
- Long operational life. With proper care, the product can maintain its comfort for ten to fifteen years.
The service life of the latex mattress depends on the naturalness and the correct choice of the product.
- Virtually no odor. Some people are too sensitive to odors. Unpleasant smell of the bed prevents proper rest. In natural latex, it is almost completely absent.
For those who do not tolerate odors and are allergic, you should choose natural latex.
- Complete isolation of movements. It is difficult to sleep on bed beds for several people at the same time. When one person moves, swaying begins to be felt. There is no such problem in springless models.
These mattresses perfectly adapt to the figure of a sleeping person.
- The purity of the material for a long time. Raw materials do not allow the development of fungus, mold, parasites.
![Making the right choice of mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/k-vyboru-matrasa-iz-lateksa-trebuyut-otnestis-vnimatelno-izuchit-vnutrennee-napolnenie-proverit-vse-dokumenty-vybrat-zhestkost-590x274.jpg)
When choosing a latex mattress, it is necessary to consider carefully: examine the inner filling, check all the documents, choose the rigidity
Are latex mattresses harmful to health?
![Combined latex mattress](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/k-nedostatkam-mozhno-otnesti-vysokuyu-stoimost-bolshoj-ves-i-vozmozhnost-nepriyatnogo-zapaha-no-tolko-pervoe-vremya-590x293.jpg)
The disadvantages include high cost, heavy weight and the possibility of unpleasant smell, but only for the first time
Few people know that the base for the bed can cause significant harm to health. For example, if a child chooses a wrong model, a spinal curvature may appear in an adult, and existing problems with the neck and back may deteriorate significantly. Is latex mattress harmful? With the right choice of the degree of rigidity, the size of the product there will be no harm. The material has good orthopedic properties. He will be able to maintain the body in the correct position throughout the night.
![Latex mattress is safe](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/lateksnyj-matras-bezopasen-dlya-vashego-zdorovya-nuzhno-tolko-sdelat-pravilnyj-vybor.jpg)
Latex mattress is safe for your health, you just need to make the right choice.
Video: Latex mattresses, latex mattresses
![The differences of modern models](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/chtoby-pravilno-vybrat-matras-dlya-krovati-neobhodimo-znat-preimushchestva-i-nedostatki-sovremennyh-modelej-205x170.jpg)
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![Standard PUF](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/standartnyj-ppu-dlya-matrasa-plotnost-ot-25-kg-m3-205x170.jpg)