![marble bar](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/barnaya-stojka-nizkie-metallicheskie-barnye-stulya-dlya-kuhni.jpg)
Kitchen in which the cabinets are up to the ceiling
Many modern kitchens are equipped with wall cabinets, when there is a certain distance between their upper plane and the ceiling. With such a layout remains unused space.
![Ceiling fittings](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/kuhonnye-garnitury-pod-potolok-dopolnitelnye-mesta-hraneniya-no-ispolzovat-ih-luchshe-v-otkrytyh-i-otnositelno-bolshih-komnatah-590x393.jpg)
Ceiling fittings are additional storage spaces, but they are best used in open and relatively large rooms.
That is why the majority of graphic designers opt for multi-functional options - they choose lockers to the ceiling for the interior. And this is not just a design decision - this layout option has many advantages.
![Cabinet for kitchen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/klassicheskim-primerom-kuhonnoj-mebeli-yavlyaetsya-shkaf-kolonka-otlichno-podojdet-dlya-sovremennoj-kuhni-590x443.jpeg)
A classic example of kitchen furniture is a cupboard column that is perfect for a modern kitchen.
Perfect kitchen - a large room, where the huge windows and impeccable layout. But not everyone has one. Most people have small kitchens, many dream of an ideal room.
![Milky-purple kitchen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/nebolshaya-no-vmestitelnaya-kuhonnaya-mebel-v-belo-fioletovyh-tonah-590x417.jpg)
Small but roomy kitchen furniture in milky purple
It is important when considering the design to take into account every detail, every detail and make a cozy and comfortable room out of an uncomfortable kitchen.
![Light cabinets to the ceiling](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/svetlye-shkafchiki-do-potolka-vizualnogo-uvelichivayut-vysotu-pomeshcheniya-451x590.jpg)
Light cabinets to the ceiling visual increase the height of the room
- 1 Kitchen interior design ideas: cabinets up to the ceiling
- 2 What styles are appropriate?
- 3 What materials are better to use?
- 4 Kitchen benefits: wardrobes to the ceiling
- 5 Video: Kitchen to ceiling: photo design ideas. Kitchen with closets to the ceiling. Kitchen set to the ceiling.
- 6 50 photo ideas on how to use kitchen cabinets to the ceiling in the interior of the kitchen:
Kitchen interior design ideas: cabinets up to the ceiling
![Gray tall lockers](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/vysokie-shkafchiki-sozdayut-ehffekt-beskonechno-uhodyashchih-vverh-polok-590x471.jpeg)
Tall cabinets create the effect of endlessly rising shelves.
Designing current kitchens makes it possible to experiment with the location of pieces of furniture. Everyone is familiar to us a classic look, that is, the placement of wall cabinets over the area of cooking, is no longer popular. Previously, furniture was usually placed against the wall, but now they are more often placed in the center of the room. This makes it possible to divide the kitchen, if its area allows, into two main areas - a cooking place and a dining area. When the cabinets reach the ceiling, a complete simulation of the wall is formed.
![Modern kitchen design](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/sovremennoe-oformlenie-kuhni-s-celnoj-edinoj-stenoj-so-shkafchikami-ot-pola-do-potolka-590x401.jpg)
Modern kitchen design with a single solid wall with floor to ceiling cabinets
In practical terms, the furniture is better located near the cooking area. This is especially important if the furniture is made of natural wood or a material of light shades - as a rule, they are quickly contaminated. To reduce the time to bring the kitchen in order, it is desirable to arrange them away from the work area. So the cabinets will be less dirty, and everything you need will be nearby.
![Sliding doors for kitchen cabinets](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/interesnoe-oformlenie-razdvizhnyh-dverej-dlya-vysokih-shkafchikov-590x471.jpg)
Interesting design of sliding doors for tall lockers
In addition to the above proposed methods of placement, these items may well be part of a single headset. In this case, all kitchen furniture should be made in the same style. Then you do not need to worry about how to create an organic interior. Cabinets to the ceiling have advantages and disadvantages. You have to decide for yourself whether you will install them in your kitchen, if so, how to choose and where to distribute.
![Beautiful and interesting option](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/krasivyj-i-interesnyj-variant-dlya-tekh-kto-ne-tolko-stremitsya-ispolzovat-vsyo-poleznoe-prostranstvo-no-i-sledit-za-novymi-veyaniyami-590x412.jpg)
A beautiful and interesting option for those who not only want to use all the useful space, but also follow new trends.
The design of the room is determined by the selection of the design and the value of the predominant colors and style. Unity in these stages provides a successful outcome of the work, otherwise the kitchen will lose its own originality and elegance. It should be borne in mind that light tones, a laconic and uncomplicated design, as well as geometry accuracy, are now more popular.
![Do not clutter high cabinets](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/interer-mozhno-sdelat-lyogkim-esli-vysoko-pod-potolkom-organizovat-otkrytye-polki-ili-s-zakrytymi-steklyannymi-fasadami-590x463.jpg)
The interior can be made light by organizing open shelves or with closed glass facades high above the ceiling.
What styles are appropriate?
The selection of cabinets to the ceiling should be made taking into account the overall interior of the kitchen. This is a great option for high-tech cuisine. This furniture looks very organic. In addition, space is saved, which is very important in the presence of a small kitchen.
![White high-tech kitchen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/idealnyj-cvet-sten-i-vysokoj-mebeli-dlya-uzkoj-ili-malenkoj-kuhni-v-stile-haj-tek-belyj-442x590.jpg)
The perfect color of the walls and high furniture for a narrow or small kitchen in the style of high-tech - white
If you have a loft or modern style, then minimalist metal cabinets will work, it’s better if they are of the same color - it will not distort the situation.
![Modern kitchen with tall cabinets](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/dizajn-kuhni-v-stile-modern-s-navesnymi-shkafchikami-do-potolka-590x224.jpg)
Modern design kitchen with wall cabinets up to the ceiling
For the classic style and Provence, the best option is large cabinets made of natural wood or imitated under it. The color scheme should be combined with other attributes of the kitchen.
![Open and closed glass cabinets](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/otkrytye-i-zakrytye-osteklennye-shkafchiki-dlya-kuhni-v-stile-provans.jpg)
Open and closed glazing to the ceiling in the kitchen in the style of Provence
Cabinets to the ceiling are made open, closed, combined, the latter are ideal. Here the closed top is combined with open shelves in the middle. It looks very good. All the excess is removed behind the doors, and on the shelves are placed decor items.
![Upper tier of display cabinets](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/verhnij-yarus-kuhonnyh-shkafov-vitrin-do-samogo-potolka-436x590.jpg)
Upper tier kitchen cabinets, display cases to the very ceiling
What materials are better to use?
![Corner kitchen from chipboard](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/nedorogaya-kuhonnaya-mebel-iz-ldsp-do-samogo-potolka-590x439.jpg)
Inexpensive kitchen furniture from chipboard to the ceiling
![Black and white kitchen with MDF fronts](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/cherno-belaya-kuhnya-s-fasadami-iz-mdf-s-vysokimi-verhnimi-shkafchikami-e1527076217679-590x458.jpg)
Black and white kitchen with MDF fronts with high top cupboards
We give some materials that are best suited for the production of kitchen cabinets.
Chipboard | The widely used material is used in a laminated version with final spraying. It looks like high-quality material, but it has a significant minus - it is loose and weak. Therefore, in the cabinets of chipboard, you must often tighten the fasteners. |
MDF | Such chipboard, not "breathing", resistant to external influences, its products do not crack. When compared with other materials, it is similar in strength to chipboard, therefore joints should be selected as spike. It will not be superfluous to use PVA glue as an additional fixative. |
Plywood | Ordinary wood material, very strong, capital, is subject to any treatment, all its advantages are preserved. Its main advantage is durability. Fasteners sit tight. |
Furniture Shield | It is made from pieces of natural wood. Its main advantage is an environmentally friendly material. Among the shortcomings it can be singled out that it does not have an ideal quality, is subject to the influence of the external environment. As a result, cracks may appear. |
![Aneri Kitchen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/kuhonnaya-mebel-do-potolka-izgotovlennaya-iz-fanery-svoimi-rukami-e1527076477738-590x411.jpg)
Kitchen furniture to the ceiling, made of plywood do-it-yourself
![Kitchen from furniture board](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/uglovoj-kuhonnyj-garnitur-iz-mebelnogo-shchita-na-vsyu-vysotu-kuhni-590x413.jpg)
Corner kitchen set of furniture panels to the entire height of the kitchen
Expert Council. The most suitable materials for kitchen cabinets up to the ceiling are MDF and plywood. In terms of price, MDF wins, large projects are being developed from it. Plywood is more expensive and requires careful processing, suitable for small projects.
![Solid ash kitchen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/kuhnya-iz-massiva-yasenya-v-nasyshchennom-zelenom-cvete-s-vysokimi-navesnymi-shkafchikami-e1527076386564-590x349.jpg)
Solid ash kitchen in rich green with tall wall cabinets
Kitchen benefits: wardrobes to the ceiling
![Tall storage lockers](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/dlya-mnogih-lyudej-dostup-k-verhnim-shkafchikam-mozhet-byt-ogranichen-no-ehto-reshaetsya-s-pomoshchyu-pravilno-podobrannyh-taburetov-i-lestnic-590x393.jpg)
For many people, access to upper lockers may be limited, but this is solved with the help of properly selected stools and stairs.
As mentioned above, a kitchen with high cabinets has many advantages.
- Cabinets to the ceiling, even a small kitchen will turn into a spacious one.
High cabinets, conveniently located in the kitchen, create a solid image in the room
- They completely cover the wall, in this case, the wallpaper on these walls can not glue and save on their purchase. It turns out a wall of cabinets, which fits perfectly into the interior.
Unusual solution for kitchen furniture - wardrobe on the whole wall to the ceiling
- A great way to store essential items.
Kitchen space is used more optimally and efficiently.
- Cabinets up to the ceiling visually increase the height of the walls. Open shelves as if expanding the space. The best for this will be light colors, even better - cabinets with a glossy surface. But they need constant care.
Kitchen set with high upper cabinets visually enlarges the walls, expanding the space in the room
- With such furniture you will have less time to leave for cleaning, because now you do not need to wipe the dust from the upper cabinets.
Cabinets to the ceiling will save the hostess from having to constantly flush the top cabinets
Such a kitchen design is now very popular. Headsets with cabinets to the ceiling will transform the room and make it multifunctional.
![Extraordinary kitchen set](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/takoj-kuhonnyj-garnitur-stanet-otlichnym-resheniem-dlya-tekh-kto-sledit-za-modnymi-novinkami-i-trendami-590x443.jpg)
Such a kitchen set will be a great solution for those who follow fashionable novelties and trends.
Video: Kitchen to ceiling: photo design ideas. Kitchen with closets to the ceiling. Kitchen set to the ceiling.
50 photo ideas on how to use kitchen cabinets to the ceiling in the interior of the kitchen:
![marble bar](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/barnaya-stojka-nizkie-metallicheskie-barnye-stulya-dlya-kuhni.jpg)
![kitchen design parallel layout](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/kuhnya-s-divanom-parallelnaya-planirovka-205x170.jpg)
![chipboard top](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/stoleshnitsa-iz-dsp.jpg)
![Folding chairs and a folding table for a small kitchen](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/stol-so-skladnymi-stulyami-205x170.gif)
![Standard Corner Furniture Set](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/standartnyj-modulnyj-nabor-dlya-kuhonnogo-rabochego-ugla-2500-1500-205x170.jpg)