Cat scratched the sofa: measures to save leather furniture

Leather furniture looks rich and beautiful. Such sofas and chairs speak about respectability and good taste.

Beautiful leather sofa

Beautiful leather sofa suitable for classic interiors and office furnishings.

In addition to visual beauty, leather interior wear-resistant, and only one detail can darken the happiness of owning a sofa: a cat can scratch it. Tsap-scratching "do not feed with bread" - let me hone the claws on the furniture. How to save a leather sofa from fluffy pest and scratches, we will tell in our material.

Scratch marks from cats

Cat's claw marks on upholstered furniture

Universal repair kit

Upholstery Repair Kit

Crime and Punishment

Damage to the sofa

Upholstery Damage

Can we talk about measures to punish the pet? Not. This is not worth doing. Kotu will not be aware of his guilt. Fluffy instincts are such that in them the very nature of a desire to sharpen claws, marking their territory. The best solution to sharpening the claws of your cat will be the placement of a scraper in the house: this will save the furniture from scratches.

Scraper with post

A claw post with a post for your cat is perfect for scratching it and leaving your furniture intact.

Such items are relatively cheap and are sold at any pet store. If you do not want to buy a scratching post, make it yourself, winding a hemp thread on the board and attaching the design to the place where the cat usually sharpens its claws.

Kogtetochka do it yourself

Homemade kogtetochka with shelves

Save the sofa with oil

Wetted with oil

We moisten the sofa with oil and then polish it well.

If the scraper was not acquired at the time, and the pet did catch a leather sofa, sharpening its claws on it, leaving scratches, read how to save furniture. For restoration work you need to stock up the following means.

Oil Tampons A rag
For wetting To wipe For polishing
  1. You can wipe a very small damaged skin on the surface of the furniture.
  2. Carefully monitor whether the changes did not appear on the upholstery. If no changes are detected, wipe the cat scratches and areas adjacent to them.
  3. Rotate the oil into the sofa with rotating movements. You will need to wait half an hour and see what you got.

If the cat scratched the sofa shallowly, traces of feline atrocities would disappear after the first oil manipulation. But if the tracks go deeper than expected, the actions described above will have to be repeated for three to four times.

Sofa seat

Seat sofa, damaged by scratches before and after repair

Another saving measure

Olive oil

You can save the furniture with olive oil

Buy olive oil and put it on the scratch. Cover these areas with a cloth and wait for the oil to absorb. You will need to cover the design with a cloth and use a barely warm iron. The device should be kept on the fabric for no more than ten seconds.

In this method of saving the sofa from cat scratches there is one caveat: you can not just take the iron and put it on the fabric. So you mess up the leather upholstery. Follow the circular motion of the appliance through the fabric until the oil is completely absorbed.

Scratches before and after

Scratches on leather furniture before and after oil treatment

Saving shoe cream

Color palette

Minimum color palette of shoe polish

Shoe polish should match the color of the color of the leather sofa. Did not find the right shade means? Buy similar in color, and achieve the desired color by mixing creams. This method is applicable only to shallow scratches on the sofa. You can take a small amount of shoe polish and put it on damage.

The range of colors of cream

There is a wide range of shoe polish colors from different manufacturers.

If the color of the cream is chosen correctly, you can perfectly mask the scratches on the surface of the sofa. If you did not manage to find the color of the cream, apply it on those parts of the furniture with injuries that are not very striking.

Skin color

Paint for skin in different forms of release

Sketched bylets

Sketched byltsa sofa cream, a suitable color

Apply glue based on rubber

Rubber glue

Rubber glue (rubber) is a solution of rubber in gasoline

Liquid skin in jars

Set for the repair of leather goods in different colors - liquid skin in jars

Use rubber glue, liquid skin. Rub it in a scratch, let it dry. When the scratch is stuck, paint over the damaged place on the sofa with special paint, matched to the color of the leather furniture.

Liquid skin -

Liquid leather is an effective remedy for restoring leather furniture.

Glued and painted scratch

Glued and painted scratch on a green leather sofa

Means that can disguise scratches on the couch - a lot. Fortunately, people in Russia have developed a fantasy. Some use markers, others - nail polishes, others with wax and liquid skin.

Pencil color

Filling small skin defects with a pencil

We update the upholstery

We update the leather upholstery using available tools.

These methods are equally good and easy to use. Do not despair ahead of time, if the cat naughty in the house, you know what to do!

Spoiled pillow

Cushion with lots of scratches

Thorough cleaning

Thorough cleaning of the leather surface is very soft and effective.

Grinding and repair

Thorough grinding and repair of scratches with special compounds

Skin dyeing

Painting the skin, then - finishing varnishing and excellent repair result in the end

Video: Remove cat's claw hooks

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