![crib sides](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/bortiki-v-krovatku-dlya-novorozhdennyx-sdelat.jpg)
Klopovye passion: insects in the couch
Imagine: you lay down on a soft sofa after a hard day’s work and are preparing to leave for the kingdom of Morpheus. But suddenly something that lives in your furniture, makes the dream evaporate. What is this "something"? What are the worst enemies of the rest swarming in the couch? The answer is simple: bedbugs in your long-suffering couch. Nasty insects capable of turning a person’s sleep time into a real hell. The topic is very relevant and relevant, especially if the uninvited guests settled in your home, in the place of the bed.
![Bedbugs in a sleeping person](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/myagkaya-mebel-privlekaet-klopov-potomu-chto-v-nej-nasekomye-nahodyatsya-blizhe-vsego-k-istochniku-pitaniya-spyashchemu-cheloveku.jpg)
Upholstered furniture attracts bedbugs because insects in it are closest to the power source - a sleeping person.
The bugs "registered" on the site of the sofa?
![Signs of the presence of a bug](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/vyyaviv-harakternye-priznaki-prisutstviya-klopov-stoit-vnimatelno-osmotret-spalnye-mesta.jpg)
Having identified the characteristic signs of the presence of bedbugs, it is worthwhile to carefully examine the beds.
Why do horrible creatures settle in the sofas in the apartment of a person? Elementary. Insects try to settle closer to you in order to arrange feasts for themselves and not to go far. When a person is sleeping, he is defenseless and may not wake up from bites. Suck the blood as much as you want, the victim will not even feel it.
The next reason for the habitat of bedbugs in an apartment in a person’s resting place is the extraordinary olfactory abilities of the insect. The bedbug catches carbon dioxide emitted from your breath, knowing that the victim has fallen asleep and you can start the meal. Parasites are activated during a person’s sleep, and the kitchen is arranged in the place of a bed.
How do parasites enter a man’s house? Causes of damage to the home bedbugs - various.
- You can bring them into the apartment with bags, sacks or drawers that are in contact with contaminated furniture.
- Bedbugs will come running from the affected sofas of their neighbors, using for this purpose communications, ventilation or through the places of the openings of the through outlets.
Ventilation channels in high-rise buildings can become a place for bed bugs
- Bedbugs can be brought into the house with wardrobes and armchairs and other furniture during the move.
Insects can get to you after the move or live before you enter.
- You came from a journey, and the insects arrived in suitcases or bags.
![Handling sofa parts](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/tshchatelnoj-obrabotki-potrebuet-kazhdaya-detal-dazhe-metallicheskaya-e1526848887132.jpg)
Careful processing will require every detail, even metal
No matter how the bugs get into your home, they will try to be closer to the person. Reproduction of insects will begin when the creatures are settled on a bed or other bed and drink blood.
We recognize the enemy
![Parasites bedbugs](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/klopy-parazity-kotorye-yavlyayutsya-prichinoj-mnogih-infekcionnyh-zabolevanij-ostavlyayut-sledy-na-tele-cheloveka-kotorye-zudyat-i-mogut-vyzvat-allergicheskuyu-reakciyu-590x369.jpg)
Bed bugs are parasites that cause many infectious diseases, leave marks on the human body, which itch and can cause an allergic reaction
According to what signs can we conclude that the sofa in the apartment was attacked by bedbugs?
- Traces of blood will appear on the bedding. Parasites bite through the skin: marks and traces will remain on the sheets.
While you are sleeping, sofa bugs go out to feed, feeling the warmth of the human body
- After this, dark dots will appear near the sofa. The bugs are living creatures, they meet the natural needs in the vicinity of their habitat. Dots are insect feces.
Traces of bedbugs near the habitat
- Bite marks will appear on the skin.
Traces of bedbug bites on the back
- In the apartment after the attack, the bugs will start to smell in a special way. The smell will intensify next to the sofa. This feature will manifest itself when the number of parasites is close to an impressive number. Each person smells very subjectively, and we cannot precisely formulate what smell you will feel. Some people claim that it starts to smell like almonds, others think that it smells like spoiled berries.
Spend a test on the listed items in your apartment. If you find in the house at least one of the announced features, there must be bugs in the sofa.
![Call of experts](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/tolko-vyzov-specialistov-garantiruet-100-unichtozhenie-divannyh-klopov-590x332.jpg)
Only the call of experts guarantees 100% destruction of sofa bugs.
Another test option: wake up early in the morning and light a lamp. It is possible that you can see the insects fleeing.
Distribution of bedbugs in the apartment
Means of struggle with parasites: processing the sofa
![Room processing](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/obrabotka-pomeshcheniya-v-zashchitnom-kostyume.jpg)
Processing premises in a protective suit
When you realize that your furniture is attacked by bedbugs, you will need to perform a series of manipulations.
- Relocate from the affected couch to another bed so that the bugs do not bite you anymore.
- Another way to fight: you need to move the sofa away from the walls, you can even put it in the middle of the room.
- Take the brush and carefully handle the inside of the bed or sofa with the drawers.
- How to remove bedbugs from the sofa on their own? Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the bed. And if the bed in the kit has a mattress, then it should be processed on the street.
- All butt elements of the sofa are well treated with boiling water.
It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning with hot water.
- Bedbugs in the apartment choose the place of residence head of the bed. They hide under the fabric, where the material is attached to the bed or sofa with brackets. If the number of parasites is large, before treating the bed with chemicals, equip yourself with a vacuum cleaner, because the disturbed insects can spread around the whole dwelling.
Soft headboard can be bedbugs
- Read the final section of the article, which tells about the folk means of dealing with bedbugs.
![Steam treatment](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/mozhno-obrabotat-divan-parom-klopy-pogibayut-pri-temperature-vyshe-50-gradusov.jpg)
You can treat the sofa with steam - bugs die at temperatures above 50 degrees
![Special service for processing](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/obrabotka-divana-ili-krovati-specializirovannoj-sluzhboj.jpg)
Processing sofa or bed specialized service
Fighting parasites on grandma's recipe
![Source of infection](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/prezhde-vsego-nuzhno-najti-istochnik-zarazheniya-e1526846022483-588x590.jpg)
First you need to find the source of the infection.
Try to deal with bedbugs with the help of folk remedies, but this is relevant if the number of parasites does not exceed the limit.
- Use a vacuum cleaner or sneaker.
You can vacuum the sofa if there are few insects.
- Treat the sofa with hot water. Or carry a sofa in the winter outside.
"Freezing" of bedbugs mattresses
- Buy wormwood or tansy and spread them around the house. There is a claim that insects smell the grass.
Wormwood, Tansy and Clove - Herbal Aid from Bedbugs
- After it is necessary to use strongly smelling chemicals: turpentine, kerosene, mothballs.
Turpentine - a tool extremely effective, but requiring accuracy and compliance with safety measures
- Treat the bed with vinegar, aviation liquid, denatured alcohol or kerosene.
![Vinegar treatment](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/chtoby-vyvesti-iz-divana-postelnyh-klopov-pri-pomoshchi-uksusa-prodelat-nuzhno-obrabotat-zhidkostyu-vsyu-mebel-osobenno-v-uglubleniyah-i-shvah-590x395.jpg)
To remove bedbugs from the sofa with vinegar, it is necessary to do all the furniture with a liquid, especially in the recesses and joints
Because of the scattered grass with a strong smell, bugs will not leave your home, but you will achieve a slight lull in their activity. When using herbs with a strong smell, remember that the tansy is poisonous, it cannot be used if there are small children, cats or dogs at home.
![Anti-bed bug](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/gektor-sredstvo-protiv-postelnyh-klopov-590x394.jpg)
Gektor - a remedy for bed bugs
Strong-smelling chemicals to handle the sofa, not able to get insects out of the house. Vinegar or naphthalene will only slow down offensive military operations by cunning insects. As you understand, with the help of folk methods of dealing with bedbugs, one can hardly achieve stunning results.
![Cresol and methylated spirit](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/krezol-i-denaturat-legko-izbavyat-ot-klopov-590x313.jpg)
Cresol and meth will easily get rid of bugs
These are aids that, in combination with professional wrestling, will lead to a positive result. We hope, now you forget what the bugs in the long-suffering couch.
![Treatment solutions](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/obrabotka-divana-ot-klopov-pokupnymi-sredstvami-samostoyatelno.jpg)
Processing the sofa from bedbugs with purchased funds independently
Video: How to get rid of bedbugs in 3 minutes, destruction
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