![gradient color combination of walls](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/gradientnoe-sochetanie-cvetov-sten-205x170.jpg)
We make shelves in the bath with your own hands
Bath procedures relax, heal the body, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, promote healthy sleep. Possessing time, coupled with the necessary knowledge, you can build a bathhouse in your summer cottage. This article will help the owner to make the shelves in the sauna, bath, to equip the room from the inside.
![Finish bath inside](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/otdelka-bani-iznutri-svoimi-rukami-590x434.jpg)
Finishing bath inside with their own hands
What is bath shelves? How to make the shelves in the bath with your own hands?
![The design of the shelf for a bath](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/konstrukciya-polki-dlya-bani-v-parilke-zavisit-ot-razmerov-ploshchadi-i-vysoty-pomeshcheniya-590x393.jpg)
The design of the shelf for a bath in the steam room depends on the size of the area and the height of the room
Shelves is a wooden flooring on a rectangular frame of timber. The material is carefully prepared for work - subjected to grinding, grind corners, treated with special impregnation. Conditions for the operation of wooden structures in the bath can hardly be called favorable. Timely preventive treatment ensures that the boards increase their service life.
![Shelves in the bath](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/dlya-izgotovleniya-polkov-i-skamej-lezhakov-rekomenduetsya-ispolzovat-drevesinu-listvennyh-porod-590x443.jpg)
It is recommended to use hardwood for the manufacture of shelves and deck chairs.
The frame is assembled from vertical support pillars and jumper boards. For extra security, the frame is fixed to the wall. On the basis of installed flooring of narrow plates. Leave a small gap between the runoff boards. A suitable step is 1 cm. For natural ventilation between the wall and the shelf, they maintain a gap of 8-10 cm. The flooring can be designed as a composite. This type is quite convenient - the structural elements are easy to disassemble for washing, followed by drying in the street.
![Types of decking](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/tipy-nastilov-dlya-polokov--590x218.png)
Types of Shelving Decking
Make the calculations, diagrams, drawings of the shelf in the bath or sauna, take into account all the design features, select the materials for the work, prepare the tool. Let's stop at each stage in more detail.
![Drawing of bath shelves](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/chertezh-bannyh-polokov-dlya-russkoj-parnoj-590x383.png)
Drawing bath shelves for Russian steam bath
Having decided on the size and number of shelves in the steam room, go to the drawings. The easy way is to take a pencil, a ruler and sketch out a steam room at the right scale on a sheet or graph paper. Mark on the diagram - the location of windows, if any, furnace, doorway. Experts insist: the windows in the steam room - an optional element due to large heat loss and injury.
![Shelf construction sequence](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/posledovatelnost-sooruzheniya-prostejshego-bannogo-poloka-431x590.png)
The sequence of the construction of the simplest bath shelf
Recommended sizes for bath shelves in the steam room
The size of the shelves can vary significantly in two different baths. Dimensions directly depend on the total area of the steam room. Convenient consider such sizes.
- The length is from 150 cm and more (so that you can comfortably sit and lie on the shelf, its length is 180 cm). If your height is above average, the shelf length can be increased to 2 meters or more.
- Height - the lower shelf-step must recede from the floor by more than 25-30 cm. Hot air is lighter than cold, the greater the distance from the floor to the shelves, the better. Depending on the height of the ceilings in the steam room, the quantity and dimensions of the shelves are calculated. The distance from the upper tier to the ceiling should be more than 1m.
- Width - for comfortable sitting - no less than 60cm. Do you like to bathe lying down? The minimum shelf width is 90 cm.
![Size calculation](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/raschet-razmera-bannyh-sidenij-shezlongov-lezhanok.png)
Calculation of the size of the bath seats, loungers, beds
Decide on the choice of the furnace. If the size of the room allows you to put a brick, stop your choice on it. Such a furnace retains heat for a long time, almost eliminates the possibility of an accidental burn on its surface, therefore, shelves are allowed to be located in close proximity.
Select the shape of the shelves, sketch sketches. Consider the significant features of the design - the ratio of length, height, width of the shelf. So you get the most complete picture of how your personalized steam room will look like after work.
![Calculation of the height of the regiments for the steam room](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/raschet-vysoty-polkov-dlya-parilki.png)
Calculation of the height of the regiments for the steam room in the Finnish sauna and Russian bath
Types of bath shelves.
- Coupe - two shelves are located one above the other. This option is ideal when the room for the sauna is small. To save space, the upper tier is equipped with a simple mechanism. If necessary, the shelf folded, as in a train.
Shelves in the steam room on the Finnish technology
- Step - shelves in the bath are located along one wall. There may be two or three, depending on the height of the ceiling. The bottom level will be the coolest, the top one - for those who like it hot.
The stepped design of the shelves is good in the steam room's spacious sauna for a large family.
- "G" -shaped type. The name speaks for itself. The tiers are located on two adjacent walls, forming the letter "G".
L-shaped shelves in the steam room
![Retractable shelf](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/polka-s-vydvizhnoj-lavkoj-lezhakom-443x590.jpg)
Shelf with retractable bench-lounger
To assemble the shelf you will need the following tools:
- Roulette
- Electric screwdriver, drill
- Wood saw, grinding machine, chisel
- Wooden hammer (mallet), ordinary hammer
![Set of tools](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/nabor-instrumentov-dlya-sborki-poloka-svoimi-rukami-590x383.jpg)
A set of tools for assembling a shelf do it yourself
Material selection
The main criteria.
- Thermal conductivity. The wood must have a low thermal conductivity, otherwise it will be impossible to sit on the shelf.
- Durability, practicality.
- High resistance to moisture, high temperatures, no flaws.
- Chipping, splitting.
![Cross fastening trim](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/poperechnoe-kreplenie-obshivki-lezhanok-590x443.jpg)
Cross fastening of the trim bedding
![Longitudinal mounting option](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/variant-prodolnogo-krepleniya-dosok-obshivki-bannyh-lezhakov-590x379.jpg)
Option of longitudinal fastening of trim boards of bathing deck chairs
Some breeds, in conditions of high humidity, crack more often than others. To avoid cracking bath shelves when hammering nails, use screws or pre-drill holes. Give preference to wooden pins.
![Bath shelves frame](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/karkas-bannyh-polok-odin-iz-variantov-590x443.jpg)
Frame bath shelves (one of the options)
Eliminate the burrs and splits that appeared in the process of work, otherwise lovers of steam bath are guaranteed splinters. Do not use soft woods that are particularly degradable.
![Mounting scheme](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/skhema-montazha-polok-.jpg)
The scheme of mounting shelves do it yourself
Use hardwood. Having made a choice, nevertheless, in favor of conifers, buy a bar, harvested in winter and brought from the northern regions of the country. This material is more dense. Fir wood has a beautiful texture, color and no resin pockets, which is not the case with all types of pines. A tree with a sharp aroma, which some species of fir have, will reduce to no the efforts to beautify the steam room. Resin species will create a wonderful “woody” smell in the sauna, which will help to relax. In this case, note that if pine wood has not undergone special treatment (removal of tar), the resin will trickle out under the influence of hot air. When the work on the steam room is finished, better steam the steam room for an hour, scrape the resin from the resin pockets off the shelves. Repeat the action several times.
![Impregnation with a protective solution](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/posle-okonchaniya-stroitelstva-bannyh-lezhanok-ih-nuzhno-propitat-zashchitnym-rastvorom-590x420.jpg)
After the construction of the bathing beds, they need to be impregnated with a protective solution
Overview of sawn timber for sauna and bath
Aspen - the democratic cost of the material; does not crack when drying; over time it becomes lighter; not afraid of moisture; does not emit pitch. Material deficiencies - low resistance to rotting, darkens with constant contact with water, emits a bitter flavor when heated.
![Aspen for the manufacture of sauna shelves](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/osina-primenyaetsya-dlya-izgotovleniya-bannyh-polkov-tak-kak-ne-vydelyaet-smoly-pri-nagrevanii.jpg)
Aspen - used for the manufacture of bath shelves, as it does not emit resin when heated
Larch - wood contains gum, so it is very durable. The material is highly resistant to high temperatures and moisture. It has valuable medicinal properties: throughout the entire period of use it will emit phytoncides. Beautiful texture, extensive colors. Disadvantages - high density, a lot of resin pockets, difficult to handle, price.
![Shelves for shelves](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/listvenica-ochen-prochnaya-i-dolgovechnaya-i-otlichno-podhodit-dlya-polok-590x355.jpg)
The larch is very strong and durable and is great for shelves
Oak - the best choice of hardwood trees. If the financial situation allows, consider the African oak abashi - he has a very low thermal conductivity, sitting on such a shelf is difficult to burn. Attracts with appearance, porous structure, choice of color, high adaptation of wood for use in the steam room. The downside is the high price.
![Abash for the manufacture of bath loungers](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/abash-samyj-dorogoj-i-krasivyj-material-dlya-izgotovleniya-bannyh-lezhakov.jpg)
Abash - the most expensive and beautiful material for the manufacture of bath loungers
Lipa - has a wonderful smell, low thermal conductivity. The material contains healing essential oils, which contributes to the prevention of colds. Easy to handle. Takes an average price niche. Disadvantages - medium strength, darkens quickly, easily amenable to rotting. Linden shelves must be thoroughly dried.
![Lipa - great stuff](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/lipa-otlichnyj-material-dlya-izgotovleniya-bannyh-lezhakov.jpg)
Linden - an excellent material for the manufacture of bath loungers
Canadian cedar (not to be confused with the Siberian) is unique in its properties. Cedar flooring does not tar, does not burn, wood is good in processing, highly resistant to rotting and cracking. The therapeutic effect of cedar resins is very useful for the upper respiratory tract. If the boards do not match the color, it will turn out the shelves with an amazing play of colors. The disadvantages of the material - the price.
![Canadian cedar](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/kanadskij-kedr-zamechatelno-podhodit-dlya-polok-otvechaet-vsem-trebovaniyam-no-dorogoj-material-590x590.jpg)
Canadian cedar - great for shelves, meets all requirements, but expensive material
When buying a material, an additional 15 percent should be included in the estimate for unforeseen expenses - damage, marriage, etc.
![The device of a bath from different breeds of a tree](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/sochetanie-neskolkih-porod-dereva-odnovremenno.jpg)
The combination of several wood species simultaneously
These breeds have long become favorites among those who build baths and saunas. Racks, backrests for lounges, the shelves themselves and many others are made of such wood, without which it is impossible to do in a bath. Do not forget - all the interior decoration of the steam room (as recommended by experienced craftsmen) should be made of one type of wood. Then the bath will get a pleasant appearance and will please its owner for many years.
![Canadian cedar bath](https://designtop.decorexpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/banya-iz-kanadskogo-kedra-590x369.jpg)
Luxury Canadian Cedar Bath
Video: Unique installation of two-tier regiments in the steam room
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